Pacific Rim Champs Women's TEAM/AA Subdivision 2 Rotations 1-4
6:35 PM I know I missed out on the First Subdivision yesterday, due to work commitments so much apologies. The big news from yesterday was the missing Ericka Garcia. Am really excited to see how Miss Joura and the fellow Aussies go.
The athletes have commenced the warm up session. Australia starts off on vault. According to my dear penpal Mikayla, who knows that I am a total gymnut from my letters! Nastia looks good and no ankle wrap, Jana looks good and strong - if there is anyone who needs to really prove herself as staying in the mix I guess it could be her? I am also interested to hear about any new updates from the Americans. According to IG the athletes have finished their warm up and the USA "looks strong & ready to defend the title". Ahh IG is so slow.... 4 minutes to commencement!! I am seriously like a little kid, I must have pestered poor Mikayla like crazy last making sure that now our Daylight's Saving has finished that I don't miss a moment of the quick hit commentary and her little asides. Videos from the competition yesterday are already up on Youtube.
The athletes are being introduced. Let the games begin! Dasha baulked on vault and looked upset... yikes! Apologies for any incorrectness... I'm not wearing my contacts... naughty me! And I included both sets of data -IG and USAG. Will edit later xx
Rotation 1
60 - Britt Greeley - AUS - Yurchenko 1/1 Not too clean. 13.85061 - Emily Little - AUS - V - Yurchenko tuck 1 1/2 bent knees. 14.450
96 - Lauren Mitchell - AUS - V - Yurchenko 1/1 - with a hop. 13.800
97 - Ashleigh Brennan - AUS - V - tsukahara puck 1 1/2 with a tiny hop 14.550
95 - Dasha Joura - AUS - V - Yurchenko 1/1 . 13.950
75 - Shizuka Tozawa - JPN - UB - stalder 1/2, jaeger, stalder shoot 1/2, giant , dbl pike with 1 step. 12.950
76 - Akiho Sato - JPN - UB - JPN - UB - toe up, giant 1/1, blind, pike jaeger, kipcast, stalder, shoot 1/2, giant, arabian double. 13.225
111 - Chinami Otaki - JPN - UB - jump to HB, giant 1/2, giant 1/1, tkatchev, kip cast giant 1/1, geinger, kip cast shoot 1/2, giant 1/2 in 1/2 out . 13.975
77 - Erica Lynn Danko - JPN - UB - clr hip, toe up, stalder, geinger, kip cast, giant 1/1, giant to L, L giant 1/2, shoot 1/2, toe up, giant, full in 13.075
113 - Nanaho Hidaka - JPN - UB - clr hip, toe up, blind, jaeger, kip cast, giant 1/1, giant, shoot 1/2, giant, blind, dbl front
104 - Hsiang Han Mai Liu - TPE - BB - switch-wolf, back tuck back hand(fall), side somi, ft aerial, switch side, gainer pike 11.900
71 - Yu Ju Lo - TPE - BB - front tuck, back tuck, switch-wolf, ft aerial, switch side, flic 2 ft, front 1/1 dis 12.900
69 - Chen Hsuan Wu - TPE - BB - 11.600
70 - Yu Chun Chen - TPE - BB - 12.900
105 - Chun Min Chen - TPE - BB - ro back lay mount(fall), ft aerial, ff back tuck(wobble), switch side, front (fall), side somi, ro 2/1 dis 11.725
65 - Brittany Rogers - CAN - FX - Triple twist. 2 1/2. Double full.1 1/2 layout barani. Stepped out of bounds before final pass of double pike. 13.775
64 - Charlotte Mackie - CAN - FX - piked full-in. Beautiful triple full. Very nice details in the choreography. Double full down the side. 1 1/2 punch pike. Double pike. Good landings on all her passes 14.525
100 - Kristina Valculik - CAN - FX - 1 1/2 to 2 1/2. Double full. Double pike. 14.350
99 - Nansy Damianova - CAN - FX - Arabian double front. Double tuck. Popa. 1 1/2 punch front full. Double pike. 14.600
63 - Peng-Peng Lee - CAN - FX - full-in (out). Arabian double front (out). 1 1/2 punch layout. Double pike (out). 14.550
Rotation 2
88 - Samantha Shapiro - USA - V - Yurchenko 1/1 (stuck) Yurchenko-full - textbook form and stuck! Beautiful. 14.300128 - Darlene Hill - USA - V - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (hop) Darlene Yurchenko 1 1/2, clean. 13.900
129 - Nastia Liukin - USA - V - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (small step) Yurchenko 1 1/2 with a small step. 15.00
127 - Jana Bieger - USA - V - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (stuck) 15.050
87 - Rebecca Bross - USA - V - Yurchenko 2/1 (short, small step) 14.800 double-twisting Yurchenko - low and step forward.
89 - Rebecca Clark - USA - V - Yurchenko 1/1(fall) 12.700 Yurchenko full, low and put a hand down
96 - Lauren Mitchell - AUS - UB - toe on, stalder, toe up, endo, endo 1/2, jaeger, kip cast, toe on 1/1, shoot 1/2, toe 1/2, dbl front toe-on handstand, Stalder, toe-shoot to high. Inside Stalder, inside Stalder, blind Jaeger. Toe-on full to bail. oe-on blind to double front with a hop back.14.550
97 - Ashleigh Brennan - AUS - UB - jump over low, endo, endo 1/2, tkatchev, arabian, dbl front Inside Stalder blind, inside Stalder full to Tkatchev. Inside Stalder, bail. Inside Stalder hecht to high. Stalder full, giant, giant, Arabian double front. Lots of foot form issues. 13.975
95 - Dasha Joura - AUS - UB - jump over low, comanici, clr hip 1/2, jaeger, kip, shoot 1/2, clr hip 1/1, geinger, kip switch grip, frt giant, dbl front 1/2 out Comaneci, nice. Free hip, free hip blind change to Jaeger. Bail, Stalder shoot to high. Free hip full to Gienger. Gorgeous! Double front half, stuck. Great routine.15.000
60 - Britt Greeley - AUS - UB - 13.150
61 - Emily Little - AUS - UB - clr hip, toe on, stalder, toe up, geinger, kip cast, shoot 1/2, giant 1/1, giant, dbl pike 12.925
111 - Chinami Otaki - JPN - BB - front mount, front, frt aerial, switch leap-back tuck, 1/1 turn leg up, ro 2/1 14.450
76 - Akiho Sato - JPN - BB - 13.550
75 - Shizuka Tozawa - JPN - BB - 14.600
113 - Nanaho Hidaka - JPN - BB - 14.950
77 - Erica Lynn Danko - JPN - BB - ro lay mount, ft aerial, flic lay, switch-back tuck, arabian(fall), ro dbl back 13.950
71 - Yu Ju Lo - TPE - BB - 2/1 turn, ro ff full in tuck, ro ff dbl pike, front step out ro ff 2/1 , ro ff 2/1 13.025
69 - Chen Hsuan Wu - TPE - fx- 12.600 ro ff full in tuck, ro ff 2/1 full, tuck jump 1 1/2, front step out ro ff 1 1/2, ro ff dbl pike
70 - Yu Chun Chen - TPE - fx - RO FF Arab dbl tuck, ro ff 2 1/2 twist, switch ring-switch side 1/2, hs front 1/1-frt lay, ro ff dbl pike(fall) 12.400
105 - Chun Min Chen - TPE -fx- ro ff dbl pike, 3/1 turn, ro ff 2 1/2, switch side 1/2, front step out ro ff 2 1/2 twist 12.575
104 - Hsiang Han Mai Liu - TPE - BB - DID NOT COMPETE
Rotation 3
98 - Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1/1 Yurchenko full, clean with one hop 14.05063 - Peng-Peng Lee - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1/1 (small hop) 14.150 Yurchenko full with a hop
65 - Brittany Rogers - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1 1/2 14.550 Yurchenko 1 1/2, bent knees
64 - Charlotte Mackie - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (Stuck!) 14.700 stuck Yurchenko 1 1/2
99 - Nansy Damianova - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (small step) - Handspring front tuck (1 step) 14.650 Yurchenko 1 1/2 with a step forward
100 - Kristina Valculik - CAN - VT - Yurchenko 1/1 (large step) 13.600
89 - Rebecca Clark - USA - BR - Ray, cast 1/2toe on blind, Chorkina, kip cast, toe 1/1, shoot 1/2, giant, full in Maloney. Toe on, Toe on blind to Markelov. Toe on full, giant to Bail. Toe shoot to high. Full-in. 13.950
87 - Rebecca Bross - USA - BR - Toe 1/2, toe up, tkatchev, kip, stalder 1/2, jaeger, kip cast, stalder 1/1, toe up, giant, full in (Stuck!) 15.000 Tkatchev. Stalder blind to Jaeger. Stalder full to bail, Stalder shoot to high. Toe on. Stuck full out. Very nice routine with clean form.
127 - Jana Bieger - USA - BR - punch hand lb, front stalder 1/2 , stalder, tkatchev, stalder 1/2, Maloney, giant , full in (Stuck!) 15.025 Endo, pirouette, Stalder hecht to high, Stalder full to Tkatchev. Stalder half to Ricna. Toe on full to bail, Stalder shoot to hih. Stuck full-twisting double tuck. Bad foot form throughout.
88 - Samantha Shapiro - USA - BR - Endo 1/2, jaeger, endo, Pak, toe up, giant full in 15.225 beautiful routine ending in a stuck full-twisting double tuck
129 - Nastia Liukin - USA - BR - stlder up Higgins, stalder 1/2, ono, ono, 1/2, geinger, kip cast, tkatchev, pak, shoot up, stalder higgins, dbl front 1/2 out 16.650 Big knee bend on her Pak salto (too close to the bar) but otherwise beautiful routine. One step on double front half dismount.
128 - Darlene Hill - USA - BR - DID NOT COMPETE
61 - Emily Little - AUS - V - Switch leap, back tuck. Front aerial, ff layout. Standing back pike. Switch side. Double tuck. 14.550
60 - Britt Greeley - AUS - V -aerial, ff layout. Side somi. Aerial roundoff. Back tuck. Double pike. 15.100
95 - Dasha Joura - AUS - V - punch front. Ff, layout - wobble and saved. Tour jete not split. Switch leap, back tuck. Full turn with leg up, not held. Front aerial, side somi. Crosswise jump full turn to support. Switch ring. Double tuck. 15.150
97 - Ashleigh Brennan - AUS - V - 15.800 gainer layout... Korbut. Front aerial, side somi. Switch ring. Side aerial. Double pike dismount
96 - Lauren Mitchell - AUS - V - double turn in crouch. Front aerial to two feet. Back tuck. Standing layout stepout, back pike - foot slipped off and fell. Standing front. Switch ring. Ff, ff double pike. 15.050
76 - Akiho Sato - JPN - UB - ro ff dbl pike, 3/1 turn, frt hs rudi, switch-tour 1/2, popa, ro 1 1/2 punch frt lay, tuck jump 1 1/2, punch front 2/1, ro ff 2 1/2 14.500
113 - Nanaho Hidaka - JPN - UB - straddle jump 1 1/2, pike full in, ro ff 3/1, 3/1 turn, ro ff 2 1/2 , ro 1 1/2 punch front, ro ff dbl pike (stuck) 14.050
75 - Shizuka Tozawa - JPN - UB - ro ff 2 1/2 punch front 1/1, ro ff 3/1, (Nice), frt hs front 2/1, ro 2/1, 3/1 turn, ro ff dbl pike(stuck) 14.525
77 - Erica Lynn Danko - JPN - UB - ro ff full in pike (nice), ro 1 1/2 front 1/1, switch leap-switch side, ro ff 3/1 , ro ff 2/1, popa, ro ff 2 1/2 14.275
111 - Chinami Otaki - JPN - UB - tour 1 1/2, ro ff dbl pike, ro 1 1/2 punch front pike, ro ff 2 1/2, fro ff 2/113.150
Rotation 4
69 - Chen Hsuan Wu - TPE - v - 13.400 hand front pike (step)
70 - Yu Chun Chen - TPE - v - 13.850 hand front pike 1/2
105 - Chun Min Chen - TPE - v - Hand front tuck 12.425
104 - Hsiang Han Mai Liu - TPE - v -SCORE DID NOT COUNT Hand front tuck (fall)
71 - Yu Ju Lo - TPE - v - 12.800 tsuk pike (large step)
uneven bars:
65 - Brittany Rogers - CAN stalder, stalder 1/1, blind, chorkina, toe on, geinger, kip clr hip, shoot 1/2, giant, full in 13.600 Stalder, Stalder full, Stalder shoot to high. Giant blind to Markelov. Toe on, giant Gienger. Free hip, to bail, Stalder shoot to high. Low landing on full-twisting double tuck.
63 - Peng-Peng Lee - CAN punch hand, stalder up, toe on 1/2, frt stalder 1/2, geinger, kip cast gient 1/1, toe on 1/2, frt fly 1/2 to low bar(land on bar!), giant layout full in (nice) 13.975 Gienger. Attempted Pak full but landed heavily on her stomach on the low bar. Full-twisting double layout.
99 - Nansy Damianova - CAN Maloney to bail, shoot to high. Giant full, Tkatchev. Stalder, toe on. Toe-on blind, front giant to double front with a step forward. giant 1/1, tkatchev, kip cast stalder, toe on, toe on 1/2, frt giant, dbl front 14.650
100 - Kristina Valculik - CAN clr hip, clr hip hecht, toe 1/1, tkatchev, kip cast, stalder 1/1, geinger, stalder, shoop 1/2, blind, front giant, dbl front(large step back) from IG: Stalder hecht to high. Tkatchev. GIant full to Gienger. Bail to handstand, Stalder shoot. Double front with two steps back.14.275
98 - Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs - CAN fall on toe-on Tkatchev. New double front dismount. from USAG jump hand, clr hip hecht, giant 1 1/2, khorkina, cast 1/2, jaeger, kip cast, maloney(fall), toe on 1/1, shoot hand, giant 1/2, dbl front 13.500
64 - Charlotte Mackie - CAN stalder, inbar stalder up, giant 1/2, khorkina, kip 1/2, giant 1/1, tkatchev, kip, pak, toe up, giant 1/2, front giant, dbl front 13.150
89 - Rebecca Clark - USA McCool mount. Onodi. Aerial roundoff. Front aerial, Sheep jump. Ff layout stepout. Full turn holding leg, nice. Side aerial. Side somi. 2 1/2 twist with one step. 15.450
127 - Jana Bieger - USA straddled the beam on a barani. Double front dismount. 15.050 Planche, front 1/2 (fall), front tuck, frt aerial flic lay step out, switch-back pike, front pike, double front dis
88 - Samantha Shapiro - USA Stag handstand lower to Eremia hold. Side aerial. Switch leap back tuck., sheep jump. Works so high on her toes. Frot aerial. Exquiste form. Ff layout. Switch Yang B o. Full turn with leg up, slight check. Split jump, straddle jump. Front tuck. Double pike with a step back. Gorgeous gymnast. 15.800 press planche, frt aerial, switch ring-sheep jump, frt aerial, flic lay step out, switch ring, front, ro dbl pike (1 step)
87 - Rebecca Bross - USA full turn in crouch - nearly fell. Standing Arabian. Back tuck. Front aerial, ff layout. Split jump, wolf ump. Side somi. Front tuck. Arabian double front dismount.15.900
129 - Nastia Liukin - USA front aerial, ff, layout. Full turn with leg up, gorgeous. Switch half. Swtch leap, sheep jump. Side somi. Onodi, wolf full. Nistor. Beautiful switch ring. Stuck 2 1/2 twist. Fantastic routine! 16.400
128 - Darlene Hill - USA Scratched maybe? Injured?
61 - Emily Little - AUS Double pike. 1 1/2 to double full. Running front full. 2 1/2. FROM usag: ro ff double pike, ro 1 1/2 ro ff 2/1 , switch-switch side, ro 1/1, punch front 1/1, 2/1 turn, ro ff 2 1/2. 13.750
60 - Britt Greeley - AUS 1 1/2 front full. 2 1/2 punch front. Double pike. 13.600 ro 1 1/2 punch frt 1/1
97 - Ashleigh Brennan - AUS piked full-in. 2 1/2 punch front. Rudi. Double pike. 14.700
96 - Lauren Mitchell - AUS 14.550 piked Arabian double front - went running out of bounds. Arabian double front. Nice double turn. 2 1/2 front layout, out of bounds. Double full. Really nice dance. Double pike - low landing.
95 - Dasha Joura - AUS 15.100 full-in. 2 1/2 barani. Double pike.