
2011 Visas = Snr WAG

5:14 PM

And we are off in the hunt for the Senior Women's title. Well done to all gymnasts. Nice to see a bit of a battle ensuing especially in terms of the top four. Cannot wait to see what they all produce on day two!!!

  1. Jordyn Wieber (Geddert's) (15.800, 14.550, 14.600, 14.900) 59.850
  2. Alexandra Raisman (Brestyan's) (15.050, 13.450, 14.700, 14.800) 58.000
  3. Chellsie Memmel (M&M) (14.100,14.400, 15.250, 13.600) 57.350
  4. Rebecca Bross (WOGA) (14.500, 14.300,13.250, 14.850) 56.900
  5. McKayla Maroney (15.800, 13.450, 13.400, 13.650) 56.300
  6. Mackenzie Caquatto (Legacy Elite) (14.700, 15.000, 12.650, 13.650) 56.000
  7. Bridgette Caquatto (Legacy Elite) (14.700, 14.100, 13.200, 13.600) 55.600
  8. Sabrina Vega (Dynamic) (14.300, 11.850, 14.700, 14.550) 55.350
  9. Grace McLaughlin (WOGA) (13.950, 13.600, 14.050, 13.100) 54.700
  10. Sophia Lee (WOGA) (14.100, 14.200, 13.500, 12.650) 54.450
  11. Brandie Jay (GK Gym) (13.800, 14.300 , 13.250, 12.950) 54.300
  12. Gabrielle Douglas (Chow's) (14.500, 14.550, 11.450,12.950) 53.450
  13. Hallie Mossett (West Coast Elite) (12.300, 12.600, 12.400, 14.450) 51.750
  14. Jessica Howe (WOGA) (13.650, 11.100, 12.950, 12.900) 50.600
  15. Alicia Sacramone (Brestyan's) (15.750, 0.000, 15.200, 12.800)
  16. Shawn Johnson (Chow's) (14.650, 14.350, 14.700, 0.000) 43.700
  17. Casey Jo Magee (Capital) (13.800, 0.000, 12.900, 12.500) 39.200
  18. Jessie DeZiel (Twin City Twisters) (12.300, 0.000, 13.450, 13.050) 38.800
  19. Anna Li (Legacy Elite) (0.000, 15.050, 13.850, 0.000) 28.900
  20. Amanda Jetter (0.000, 14.200, 14.050, 0.000) 28.250

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