
2012 Secret US Classic

6:11 AM

Alexandra Raisman of Brestyan's American Gymnastics took out the Senior All Around title with a formidable score of 60.350. Kyla Ross of Gym-Max Gymnastics was second with Kennedy Baker of Texas Dreams Gymnastics coming third. McKayla Maroney of All Olympia Gymnastics Center took out the Vault title with an average of 15.850 - and in fact was the only Senior to do two vaults. Gabrielle Douglas of Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute took out the Uneven Bars title over Ross and WOGA's Rebecca Bross. Jordyn Wieber of Gedderts' Twistars USA and Raisman tied for the Balance Beam title, with Great American Gymnastics Express' Sarah Finnegan and WOGA's Nastia Liukin tying for third. Raisman also took the Floor Exercise title with Finnegan coming second and tying for third were Douglas and Dynamic Gymnastics' Sabrina Vega. So from the field competing in Chicago, it seems the gymnasts who are not advancing to VISA Champs are Seniors Chellsie Memmel (M&M Gymnastics) and Casey Jo Magee (Capital Gymnastics) and Juniors Taylor Lawson of Parkettes National Training Center, Taylor Krippner of Cypress Academy of Gymnastics and Macy Toronjo of Texas Dreams who did not compete at the Classic. Nia Dennis of Buckeye Gymnastics was announced as a qualifier to Nationals even though she did not compete at the Secret Classic.

For the Juniors, Simone Biles of Bannon's Gymnastics took out the Junior All Around title over Madison Desch of Great American Gymnastics Express and third place finisher Amelia Hundley of Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy. Biles scored the highest mark of the day on Vault with a 16.050 with Desch scoring a 14.700 and Hundley 14.350 for the second and third top marks on the Vault. Katelyn Ohashi of WOGA scored a 14.950 for the top mark on the Uneven Bars with Polina Shchennikova of TIGAR coming second on the event with Ariana Guerra of Texas Dreams and Hundley tying for third. Desch topped the Balance Beam ranking with Hundley in second and tying for third were Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy's Lexie Priessman and Veronica Hults of Texas Dreams. Priessman rocked the Floor Exercise with Biles and Desch rounding out the top three on the event.

  1. Alexandra Raisman (Brestyan's) (15.650, 14.350, 15.000, 15.350) 60.350
  2. Kyla Ross (Gym-Max) (15.300, 15.450, 14.700, 14.350) 59.800
  3. Kennedy Baker (Texas Dreams) (13.900, 14.600, 14.350, 13.950) 56.800
  4. Sabrina Vega (Dynamic) (14.100, 14.000, 13.450, 14.850) 56.400
  5. Elizabeth Price (Parkettes) (15.650, 14.800, 12.250, 12.750) 55.450
  6. Brandie Jay (GK) (14.550, 14.350, 12.450, 13.650) 55.000
  7. Brianna Brown (Cincinnati) (13.650, 13.750, 13.250, 13.400) 54.050
  8. Anna Li (Legacy Elite) (13.600, 14.150, 13.900, 11.850) 53.500
  9. Mackenzie Brannan (Capital) (13.450, 14.000, 13.150, 12.700) 53.300
  10. Amanda Jetter (Cincinnati) (12.800, 13.850, 12.950, 13.500) 53.100
  11. Grace McLaughlin (WOGA) (12.850, 13.500, 13.350, 12.950) 52.650
  12. Abigail Milliet (Denton) (13.800, 11.750, 13.500, 12.600) 51.650
  13. Gabrielle Douglas (Chow's) (0.000, 15.700, 14.400, 14.850) 44.950
  14. Sarah Finnegan (GAGE) (0.000, 14.100, 14.900, 15.200) 44.200
  15. Casey Jo Magee (Capital) (13.350, 13.200, 13.450, 0.000) 40.000
  16. McKenzie Wofford (Zenith Elite) (13.350, 11.950, 14.500, 0.000) 39.800
  17. McKayla Maroney (All Olympia) (16.100, 0.000, 13.800, 0.000) 29.900
  18. Jordyn Wieber (Gedderts) (0.000, 14.250, 15.000, 0.000) 29.250
  19. Rebecca Bross (WOGA) (0.000, 15.300, 13.200, 0.000) 28.500
  20. Nastia Liukin (WOGA) (0.000, 0.000, 14.900, 0.000) 14.900
  21. Chellsie Memmel (M&M) (0.000, 0.000, 11.950, 0.000) 11.950
  1. Simone Biles (Bannon's) (16.050, 13.500, 14.050, 14.550) 58.150
  2. Madison Desch (GAGE) (14.700, 13.550, 14.550, 14.550) 57.350
  3. Amelia Hundley (Cincinnati) (14.450, 14.100, 14.450, 14.250) 57.250
  4. Lexie Priessman (Cincinnati) (14.150, 13.950, 14.300, 14.650) 57.050
  5. Bailie Key (Texas Dreams) (14.400, 13.900, 14.150, 14.150) 56.600
  6. Peyton Ernst (Texas Dreams) (14.250, 13.700, 13.750, 13.300) 55.000
  7. Ariana Guerra (Texas Dreams) (13.400, 14.100, 12.950, 13.600) 54.050
  8. Veronica Hults (Texas Dreams) (13.000, 13.600, 14.300, 12.400) 53.300
  9. Polina Shchennikova (TIGAR) (13.300, 14.400, 12.450, 12.900) 53.050
  10. Megan Skaggs (Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta) (13.300, 12.600, 13.250, 13.400) 52.550
  11. Lauren Hernandez (Monmouth) (13.400, 11.200, 14.000, 13.900) 52.500
  12. Maggie Nichols (Twin City Twisters) (13.950, 11.600, 13.550, 13.300) 52.400
  13. Ashley Foss (North Stars) (13.050, 12.000, 13.800, 13.400) 52.250
  14. Lacy Dagen (San Mateo) (13.850, 12.850, 11.800, 13.350); Ashton Kim (Texas Dreams) (13.150, 13.400, 13.200, 12.100) 51.850

  15. Amanda Huang (Northwind) (12.750, 13.050, 12.950, 12.500) 51.250
  16. Taylor Lawson (Parkettes) (12.700, 12.400, 12.900, 12.900) 50.900
  17. Alexis Beucler (Cincinnati) (13.450, 12.500, 11.350, 13.400) 50.700
  18. Shannon McNatt (Stars) (12.900, 11.650, 13.000, 13.100) 50.650
  19. Nicole Lehrmann (Capital) (13.300, 12.650, 12.050, 12.550) 50.550
  20. Taylor Krippner (Cypress Academy) (13.100, 12.300, 11.750, 11.950) 49.100
  21. Katelyn Ohashi (WOGA) (0.000, 14.950, 13.950, 0.000) 28.900
  22. Jessica Wang (Winner's Academy) (0.000, 12.850, 12.600, 0.000) 25.450
  23. Meredith Sylvia (Parkettes) (0.000, 0.000, 12.750, 0.000) 12.750
  24. Nia Dennis (Buckeye) (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000); Macy Toronjo (Texas Dreams) (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) 0.000

  1. Hope Masiado (Girls Co-Op) (Prelims: 8.500, 9.250, 8.650, 7.000) 33.400; (Finals: 12.000, 11.800, 11.750, 12.450) 48.000 TOTAL: 81.400
  2. Kristin Politz (Rebound) (Prelims: 8.000, 8.875, 7.700, 8.150) 32.725; (Finals: 11.200, 11.750, 11.450, 10.800) 45.200 TOTAL: 77.925
  1. Deanne Soza (Arete) (51.200, 36.675) 87.875
  2. Ariana Agrapides (Monmouth) (49.850, 36.025) 85.875
  3. Shania Adams (Buckeye) (49.250, 34.875) 84.125
  4. Alyona Shchennikova (TIGAR) (49.000, 33.775) 82.775
  5. Adriana Popp (Girl's Co-Op) (47.500, 33.300) 80.800
  6. Abigail Beaver (Buckeye) (44.700, 30.250) 74.950
  1. Abby Paulson (Twin City Twisters) (51.500, 35.325) 86.825
  2. Ragan Smith (Northwind) (50.850, 35.325) 86.175
  3. Simone Banen (North Stars) (50.950, 34.600) 85.550
  4. Jasmine Vallejo (Precision) (50.450, 32.875) 83.325
  5. Sydney Doggette (Buckeye) (49.500, 32.150) 81.650
  6. Charlise Doctor (Excalibur) (47.650, 31.300) 78.950
  7. Jazmyn Foberg (Will-Moor) (46.900, 31.600) 78.500

And finally, I watched the live stream of the Senior competition. I really hate the whole competition will begin soon screen. Love WOGA's leotards. Seems to be a lot of pink in the arena. Not too keen on the white lines coming down from the collar on the WOGA ladies leotards though. Love Chellsie's leotard the black with the sparkles and pink upside down V on the top half. The blue leotard Gabby is wearing is divine, although not too keen on the different material down one sleeve. 

Anna Li (UB) - I heart her leo! Fall on her new release skill but apart from that a lovely routine! 
Kyla Ross (BB) - Stunning leotard. A large number of bobbles, a bit of nerves from Kyla. Solid landing on the double tuck dismount.
Sabrina Vega (VT) - I don't mind her leotard... it is growing on me. nice vault. Easy vault for her. 
Chellsie Memmel (BB) - I don't even want to talk about this routine. Poor Chellsie. Her petition to the 2012 VISA Championships has been rejected. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/olympics/05/26/gymnastics.chellsie.memmel.ap/index.html
Amanda Jetter (FX) - I looooove this leotard Amanda is wearing. Although CGA always has stunning leotards. Actually love her floor music. Disappointing step out of bounds and a little hop to the side for two tumbling passes respectively.
Sarah Finnegan (UB) - I actually like this leotard. Interesting patterning but bold and effective. Lovely routine. Nice top point and piked jaeger. But that dismount - a little close to the bar and a tad low on the landing.
McKayla Maroney (VT) - Gorgeous leotard! Stunning Yurchenko 2.5, just that landing to clean up, But sooo high. And lovely Mustafina vault too.
Gabby Douglas (UB) - Freaking awesome routine!!! Still can't get over the height she gets on those release skills.
Rebecca Bross (BB) - For her first routine back properly it was alright. With the exception of that super scary landing on her dismount. But she'll get there. WOGA know what they're doing.
Alexandra Raisman (FX) - Love, love, love that leo. She looks really good, and that first tumbling pass... well done!!
Nastia Liukin (BB) - Super solid routine. She looks really good! Welcome back Nastia!!!

Jordyn Wieber (UB) - It seems to be a lovely bunch of leotards out there. It was an okay routine. She was short on a couple of handstands and had to really fight for that handstand on the transition to the low bar.
For all the arena shots they could show one or two gymnasts. Just saying. However lovely Patterson dismount from Kennedy Baker!
Sabrina Vega (UB) - Interesting routine. Was it me or the camera angle but she was so close to the bar on her release skills? Nope not me at all.
Sarah Finnegan (BB) - Middle splits mount, followed by a rock solid Humphrey. Beautiful leaps. Solid routine except for the step back on her back handspring, back handspring double pike dismount.
Kyla Ross (FX) - Love her on the floor exercise. Simply magnificent arabian double front to stag leap for her opening pass.
Alexandra Raisman (VT) - Lovely Amanar, just the step to the side.
Gabrielle Douglas (BB) - A solid routine, besides from a couple of wobbles and grabbing the beam when she had an issue on landing her acro series.
Elizabeth Price (VT) - Oooh our first look at Elizabeth! I am very excited about this girl. Gorgeous pink leotard with the white diamantes patterning. Amanar with a step forwards and to the side.
Anna Li (BB) - How nice is it to see her doing the All Around! She has some awesome skills, however nothing seems to be connected, but a 5.5 D score is nothing to scoff at because she was solid apart from the step on the landing. What a lovely smile!!

Sabrina Vega (BB) - Rough start for Vega. A couple of serious fights to stay on the beam, but she succeeded. Nerves went away as the routine went on. Stuck bhs, bhs double pike dismount.
Sarah Finnegan (FX) - Magnificent routine! That Memmel turn of hers is simply divine. I could sit here for  ages and praise it. Only issue was the cover up that she did coming out of the 2.5 turn in the wolf position.
Alexandra Raisman (UB) - Good routine for Aly. She had a big of toe point issues but she looks a lot better on this event than what was used to see from her.
Gabrielle Douglas (FX) - Eep that stag leap was seriously weird and resulted in a step out of bounds. There was a small shuffle after the full in tuck but apart from that it was a solid routine. Nice hug from Anna Li as she walks off the podium.
Kyla Ross (VT) - Amanar with an extensive step off to the side.
McKayla Maroney (BB) - A few bobbles, but a solid routine from McKayla.
Anna Li (FX) - Yay Yay Yay! I'm excited as they showed this routine. She really needs the numbers behind her. Legs buckled after the 1.5 to round off bhs, back tuck. But she'll get there. Lovely choreography.
Amanda Jetter (UB) - Missed hop change and had to stop. Lovely routine otherwise.
Jordyn Wieber (BB) - Close to the beam on the landing of her bhs, bhs, 2.5 twist dismount. But apart from that and a couple of balance checks, it was a very solid routine.

Gabrielle Douglas (VT) - Wasn't supposed to vault, but warms up on the apparatus. But apparently the powers that be turned around and said that because she'd said no to doing the All Around that she is not allowed to vault.
Rebecca Bross (UB) - Nastia is prepping the Bars for her. Solid routine! Just the step on the landing, but that is totally fixable.
Alexandra Raisman (BB) - Phenomenal routine!
Brandie Jay (FX) - New music from last year - funky beat. I am not sure whether I am a fan or not. Nice routine for Jay.
Kyla Ross (UB) - Absolutely rock solid routine.
Sabrina Vega (FX) - Lovely routine to finish for Sabrina. 

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