
Feature On Egyptian Gymnasts

5:34 AM

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, who as part of their weekly series in the lead up to the London Olympic Games has a feature on the four Egyptian Gymnasts who will be attendance. These being Men's Artistic Gymnast Mohamed Sherif El-Saharty, Rhyhmic Gymnast Yasmine Mohmed Rostom and Women's Artistic Gymnasts Sherine Ahmed El Zeiny and Salma Mahmoud El Said Mohamed. Whilst all four gymnasts qualified as part of the continental quota system they should all have a solid showing at the Olympic Games. 

Make sure you check it out to learn a bit more about these gymnasts! And a special shout out to Yasmine's grandmother who makes all all of her beautiful leotards! Total dedication! Read the feature at the following link: http://www.fig-gymnastics.com/vsite/vcontent/content/transnews/0,10869,5187-187975-19728-49291-316820-20935-5233-layout210-205197-news-item,00.html

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