
France Defeats Romania

8:08 AM

Onesti saw gymnasts from France and Romania compete for team honors with gymnasts from Croatia (Filip Ude) and Israel (Alexander Shatilov and Felix Aronovich) also competing. At the conclusion of the competition, it was the French team of Pierre-Yves Beny, Yann Cucherat, Gael Da Silva, Hamilton Sabot, and Arnaud Willig who amassed 262.750 to the Romanians combined total of 261.800. The Romanian team consisted of Flavius Koczi, Marius Berbecar, Ovidiu Buidoso, Cristian Bataga and Vlad Bogdan Cotuna. Marian Dragulescu also competed at the competition on the Floor Exercise and Vault, showing that he is capable of being called up to compete at the Olympic Games. Whilst there was no official All Around competition see what would happened if there had have been below. 

  1. Arnaud Willig (FRA) (14.400, 13.850, 14.800, 15.350, 14.250, 14.850) 87.500
  2. Alexander Shatilov (ISR) 85.300
  3. Cristian Ioan Bataga (ROU) (14.050, 12.900, 14.550, 15.250, 14.150, 13.900) 84.800
  4. Felix Aronovich (ISR) 82.400
  5. Vlad Bogdan Cotuna (ROU) (14.850, 13.750, 0.000, 15.300, 14.750, 14.800) 73.450
  6. Ovidiu Buidoso (ROU) (13.900, 14.600, 13.900, 0.000, 14.400, 14.050) 70.850
  7. Gael Da Silva (FRA) (14.200, 0.000, 14.200, 15.200, 0.000, 15.000) 58.600
  8. Hamilton Sabot (FRA) (0.000, 14.000, 14.300, 0.000, 15.250, 14.950) 58.500
  9. Flavius Koczi (ROU) (14.050, 14.050, 14.500, 15.800, 0.000, 0.000) 58.400
  10. Pierre-Yves Beny (FRA) (13.750, 14.900, 0.000, 14.450, 14.700, 0.000) 57.800
  11. Marius Berbecar (ROU) (0.000, 0.000, 14.350, 14.800, 14.800, 13.250) 57.200
  12. Yann Cucherat (FRA) (0.000, 13.350, 0.000, 0.000, 14.600, 13.650) 41.600

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