
Wieber, Mikulak and Caesar feature in Articles

2:52 AM

The media has been in a frenzy with more articles relating to United States gymnasts Jordyn Wieber and Samuel Mikulak emerging. Alongside of Mikulak, his University of Michigan team mate Syque Caesar, who will be representing Bangladesh also is profiled. 

In an article on The Sacramento Bee website, which you can read here, has a great profile on Jordyn and what happened in her lead up to to the last Camp at the Karolyi Ranch before flying to London. A great read and it is lovely to see the amount of support in which she is getting.

The Michigan Daily's feature on Mikulak and Caesar is a fantastic read where you get to learn a bit more about both gymnasts and also has a fantastic picture of them both in the gym. Read it here: http://www.michigandaily.com/sports/vaulting-london-sam-mikulak-and-syque-caesar%E2%80%99s-journeys-2012-summer-olympics?page=0,2

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