
Whitlock Gets Hero's Welcome

7:55 AM

A fantastic article has been published by The Enquirer featuring dual bronze medalist from London - Max Whitlock. It is a lovely read and it is nice to see how proud everyone is of him and how happy he is with his performance from the Olympics. Here is a taste of what you will read at the following link: http://www.theenquirer.co.uk/read.aspx?id=7427:

Coach Scott Hann said: “I’m so proud of him aside from my daughter being born to see him get those medals is one of the best things in my life. We just need to get ready for Rio now and turn those bronze medals into golds.” Max added: “Hopefully I can get some new stuff and get picked for the team for Rio. It is something I would love to do but hopefully I can go there. If I do the same as what I’ve done in this Olympics I’ll be happy- but if I could upgrade these medals then that would be absolutely unbelievable. “I’d just like to say thank you to all my family, my coach, my girlfriend they've supported me all this way and helped me get to where I am now so I couldn't thank them enough"

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