
Glagow World Cup

5:10 PM

The Glasgow World Cup, which is being held at the Emirates Arena is the final World Cup event for 2012 and is a part of the 2012-2013 All Around World Cup series. The competition is divided into two sessions, the first starting at 1.00pm (Glasgow local time) with the second commencing at 4.00pm (Glasgow local time). The competition boasts an exciting line up and it is expected to be one fierce World Cup!

The competition opened with an exhibition piece on the Uneven Bars by Beth Tweddle! Leyva fell to his knees on his final pass and had a few jumps out of passes, looks disappointed with his efforts. They're using music whilst the Men are performing on Floor Exercise, it is quite weird! Oleg Verniaiev of Ukraine is not competing! After the first rotation, Kristian Thomas (GBR) leads over Marcel Nguyen (GER) and Fabian Gonzalez (ESP). Two falls on Pommel for Thomas. After the Pommel Horse, Gonzalez leads over Daniel Purvis of Great Britain and Kazuhito Tanaka of Japan. At the halfway point Purvis leads over Tanaka and Marcel Nguyen. Purvis top scored on the Vault, Nguyen on Parallel Bars and Yusuke Saito of Japan on the Horizontal Bar. The competition was won by Marcel Nguyen however, with Tanaka and Purvis picking up the silver and bronze respectively.

Elizabeth Price wears Pink, the British ladies are wearing black with the gold and white Union Jack, Seitz is wearing the half white/half red leo, Hofland is wearing the green (is that green)? leotard with the detailing on the front, Inoue is wearing a red leo with white, yellow and black strip diagonally down the middle, Bui i wearing the German leotard that we all know and Ferrari is wearing a pretty colored leo with the one sleeve and cutout. Wakana Inoue sat down her Yurchenko 1.5. But she's still smiling. After the first rotation, American Elizabeth Price leads over Great Britain's Rebecca Tunney and Germany's Elisabeth Seitz. Fall for Hofland off Bars. Deep squat and a few steps back on the dismount on Bars for Niamh Rippin. Top three remain unchanged at halfway in competition. Price topped the final two events, taking out the title over Germany's Elisabeth Seitz and Kim Bui

All videos can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdamoj-y6y8INMYs2SFBk251SFQcM3wc&feature=view_all with thanks to BritishGymnasticstv
  1. Elizabeth Price (USA) (15.900, 14.966, 14.033, 14.266) 59.165
  2. Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (14.233, 13.766, 13.800, 13.000) 54.799
  3. Kim Bui (GER) (13.766, 13.833, 13.233, 13.900) 54.732
  4. Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) (13.900, 13.633, 12.666, 14.233) 54.432
  5. Rebecca Tunney (GBR) (14.366, 14.166, 12.133, 13.766) 54.431
  6. Niamh Rippin (GBR) (14.100, 12.266, 13.133, 13.600) 53.099
  7. Wakana Inoue (JPN) (12.600, 13.466, 13.533, 13.166) 52.765
  8. Kaitlyn Hofland (CAN) (13.300, 12.233, 13.566, 13.000) 52.099
  1. Marcel Nguyen (GER) (15.033, 13.466, 15.366, 15.800, 15.833, 14.600) 90.098
  2. Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (14.266, 14.500, 15.233, 15.266, 15.400, 15.333) 89.998
  3. Daniel Purvis (GBR) (14.633, 14.700, 15.266, 15.966, 14.966, 14.333) 89.864
  4. Danell Leyva (USA) (13.600, 14.600, 14.566, 15.666, 14.500, 15.300); Fabian Gonzalez (ESP) (14.900, 14.600, 14.066, 15.866, 13.800, 15.000) 88.232

  5. Yusuke Saito (JPN) (14.500, 14.066, 15.133, 14.066, 14.266, 15.433) 87.464
  6. Kristian Thomas (GBR) (15.800, 11.966, 14.733, 14.666, 14.266, 13.466) 84.897

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