
Lauren's New Floor Music KNOWN!

5:40 PM

Thanks to Gymnastics Australia for the piece entitled "Mitchell to the Next Level with Adriana Pop" which was written by National Team Coach Peggy Liddick. The piece details Adriana's history in choreographing routines. And also says that as we already knew she choreographed Lauren's routine back in 2006 when she was an "up and coming" Junior National gymnast.

Adriana Pop, famously known for her abstract & lyrical musical interpretations, has created a routine that will take Lauren to another level and raise the bar. The music is Queen's version of Beseme Mucho with the voice of Freddie Mercury in the background.

WAIS Head Coach Martine George said "Adriana has brought out a level of expression and movement that we could not have imagined was lying within Lauren, it was a magical process to witness."

The procedure was to try to create a better routine than the one that won Mitchell the World Championships last year.

Finding the right piece of music, one that was original, that the gymnastics community would embrace and that was better than what she has now, that was the challenge. I had been researching for 8 months for just the right arrangement. Something that would really catch the audience's attention was the objective. Stacey Umeh did a fantastic routine and won Lauren a World Championship, topping that is our challenge.

I was in the VIS gym one day and Lisa Bradley (choreographer) was playing some music and it just hit me, [that was it!], that is what I had been looking for. So I claimed it right away, called Adriana and she travelled from France within the week.

Mitchell plans on debuting the new routine in Japan at the Japan Cup in Tokyo 2-3 July and then at the National Championships in Perth 13-17 July.

Mitchell described her new routine: "I love it! I feel really free and can be expressive; the music just makes me want to move. I am looking forward to performing my new routine at Nationals and at the World Championships later this year. I hope the judges like it."

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