
15th Tournoi International de Combs-La-Ville

3:25 PM

This weekend (the 11th and 12th of November), saw the 15th edition of the annual Combs-La-Ville tournament which sees young women compete in the following categories - Juniors and Espoirs. The Juniors competed in a team competition, as well as an all around competition and event finals. Results for the Espoirs included those of a team competition and all around. Canadian upstart Victoria Moors took the all around title for the Juniors over compatriot Sabrina Gill and POLE France INSEP representative Doriane Thobie. Canadian Rose-Kalam Woo won the Espoir All Around title over France Espoir Grace Charpy and  Pole Saint Etienne's Harmonie Pitaval. Moors also took out the Vault and Floor Exercise titles, whilst Futures Gymnastics Centres' Kaitlyn Hofland took out the Uneven Bars and Balance Beam gold medals.

  1. Canada 1 (111.150)
  2. POLE France INSEP (France) (106.400)
  3. Futures Gymnastics Centre (Canada) (101.700)
  4. Gym TNT (Canada) (97.850)
  5. GTV De Hazenkamp (Pays Bas) (97.600)
  6. Canada 2 (95.400)
  7. Suisse (94.600)
  8. Henin Beaumont (France) (94.100)
  9. France (93.600)
  10. Combs-La-Ville (France) (92.000)
  11. Iskra Zabrze (Pologne) (83.250)
  12. Centre Regional Meaux (France) (82.700)
  1. Victoria Moors (CAN 1) (14.050, 14.100, 14.200, 14.150) 56.500
  2. Sabrina Gill (CAN 1) (13.750, 14.000, 13.800, 13.100) 54.650
  3. Doriane Thobie (POLE France INSEP) (13.250, 12.950, 13.750, 13.900) 53.850
  4. Kaitlyn Hofland (Futures Gymnastics Centre) (14.200, 13.700, 12.600, 13.200) 53.700
  5. Victoria-Kayen Woo (Gym TNT) (12.000, 13.900, 11.950, 12.300) 50.150
  6. Stefanie Merkle (CAN 1) (13.300, 11.900, 12.850, 12.050) 50.100
  7. Maartje Ruikes (GTV De Hazenkamp (Pays Bas)) (12.300, 12.200, 13.250, 11.150) 48.900
  8. Julia Bombach (GTV De Hazenkamp (Pays Bas)) (12.750, 12.350, 11.300, 12.300) 48.700
  9. Sabrina Tomassini (CAN 2) (13.250, 9.700, 13.850, 11.450) 48.250
  10. Valentine Sabatou (POLE France INSEP) (13.300, 12.650, 9.850, 12.300) 48.100
  11. Casey Carvalho (Futures Gymnastics Center) (12.500, 10.450, 13.800, 11.250) 48.000
  12. Clemence Belka (Henin Beaumont) (12.400, 10.350, 13.000, 11.950) 47.700
  13. Helody Cyrenne (Gym TNT) (12.350, 12.000, 10.550, 12.800) 47.700
  14. Heaven Latimer (CAN 2) (12.150, 10.450, 11.700, 12.850) 47.150
  15. Seggio Oceane (Henin Beaumont) (12.700, 9.050, 12.700, 11.950) 46.400
  16. Maureen Pagno (Combs La Ville) (12.650, 10.100, 11.900, 11.500) 46.150
  17. Emeline Magniant (France) (12.950, 11.050, 10.450, 11.550) 46.000
  18. Nicole Hitz (Suisse) (13.000, 10.100, 10.550, 12.300) 45.950
  19. Maiwen Meluse (Combs La Ville) (12.350, 10.250, 10.900, 11.600) 45.100
  20. Michelle Krauz (Suisse) (11.050, 10.300, 12.350, 11.100) 44.850
  21. Chloe Bonotte (Combs LaVille) (11.950, 10.850, 10.450, 11.500) 44.750
  22. Alice Boby (France) (12.150, 10.700, 10.600, 10.750) 44.200
  23. Stefanie Siegenthaler (Suisse) (12.750, 7.050, 11.700, 12.100) 43.600
  24. Laurie Cosson (Centre Regional Meaux) (12.100, 9.250, 10.900, 11.150) 43.400
  25. Emilia Kulczynska (Iskra Zabrze/Pologne) (12.150, 10.200, 10.100, 9.700) 42.150
  26. Sonia Maalem (Henin Beaumont) (12.200, 8.350, 10.250, 10.600) 41.400
  27. Weronika Kita (Iskra Zabrze/Pologne) (10.950, 8.700, 11.050, 10.400) 41.100
  28. Yasmine Garma (Centre Regional Meaux) (11.200, 7.250, 9.200, 10.300) 37.950
  29. Cataline Denis Leclere (France) (0.000, 8.200, 12.400, 12.200) 32.800
  30. Natalia Zolotaryeva (POLE France INSEP) (0.000, 13.700, 13.250, 0.000) 26.950
  31. Emma Leipsic (Gym TNT) (0.000, 10.850, 0.000, 0.000) 10.850
  32. Perrine Marion (Centre Regional Meaux) (0.000, 8.600, 0.000, 0.000) 8.600
  33. Kinga Najmark (Iskra Zabrze/Pologne) (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) 0.000
  1. France Espoir (96.400)
  2. Avoine (France) (85.200)
  3. Thann (France) (84.100)
  1. Rose-Kalam Woo (Ind. CAN) (12.400, 12.450, 13.300, 12.800) 50.950
  2. Grace Charpy (France Espoir) (10.550, 10.950, 12.850, 12.700) 47.050
  3. Harmonie Pitaval (Ind. Pole Saint Etienne) (11.700, 10.650, 12.400, 11.850) 46.600
  4. Marine Boyer (France Espoir) (12.200, 11.100, 11.600, 11.350) 46.250
  5. Farah Boufadene (France Espoir) (12.750, 8.650, 11.800, 12.050) 45.250
  6. Tiphanie Huet (Avoine, France) (12.250, 9.950, 10.500, 11.050) 43.750
  7. Melanie Kretz (Thann, France) (12.500, 9.200, 10.400, 11.200) 43.300
  8. Lucie Perdreau (Avoine, France) (12.200, 8.950, 9.750, 10.550) 41.450
  9. Malaurie Lidy (Thann, France) (11.600, 8.900, 8.900, 10.700) 40.100
  10. Melissa Ehlinger (Thann, France) (11.500, 9.600, 8.650, 9.550) 39.300
  11. Cynthia Rakotomoharo (Avoine, France) (10.900, 4.050, 8.150, 10.400) 33.500
  1. Victoria Moors (CAN 1) (14.500, 13.950) 14.225
  2. Kaitlyn Hofland (Futures Gym Centre) (14.250, 14.025) 14.137
  3. Sabrina Gill (CAN 1) (13.750, 13.225) 13.487
  4. Emeline Magniant (FRA) (13.475, 12.525) 13.000
  5. Nicole Hitz (SUI) (12.875, 12.650) 12.762
  6. Victoria-Kayen Woo (Gym TNT) (12.625, 12,025) 12.325
  7. Maureen Pagno (Combs La Ville) (12.175, 10.950) 11.563
  8. Julia Bombach (GTV De Hazenkamp/Pays Bas) (11.975, 0.000) 5.988
  1. Kaitlyn Hofland (Futures Gym Centre) 13.925
  2. Victoria Moors (CAN 1) 13.800
  3. Valentine Sabatou (POLE France INSEP) 13.575
  4. Doriane Thobie (POLE France INSEP) 13.550
  5. Victoria-Kayen Woo (Gym TNT) 13.275
  6. Maartje Ruikes (GTV De Hazenkamp/Pays Bas) 12.225
  7. Sabrina Gill (CAN 1) 12.075
  8. Helody Cyrenne (Gym TNT) 10.425
  1. Kaitlyn Hofland (Futures Gym Centre) 13.925
  2. Doriane Thobie (POLE France INSEP) 13.325
  3. Oceane Seggio (Henin Beaumont) 12.675
  4. Victoria Moors (CAN 1) 12.550
  5. Casey Carvalho (Futures Gym Centre) 12.425
  6. Maartje Ruikes (GTV De Hazenkamp/Pays Bas) 12.300
  7. Maureen Pagno (Combs La Ville) 12.150
  8. Clamence Belka (Henin Beaumont) 11.825
  9. Sabrina Tomassini (CAN 2) 11.775
  1. Victoria Moors (CAN) 14.275
  2. Doriane Thobie (POLE France INSEP) 13.775
  3. Kaitlyn Hofland (Futures Gym Centre) 13.375
  4. Sabrina Gill (CAN 1) 13.175
  5. Helody Cyrenne (Gym TNT) 12.875
  6. Cataline Denis Leclere (FRA) 12.150
  7. Victoria-Kayen Woo (Gym TNT) 12.025
  8. Nicole Hitz (SUI) 11.150

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