
GBR Rhythmic Gymnasts to Go It Alone

7:04 AM

The British Rhythmic Group which successfully qualified to the London Olympics after overturning the original will not be wearing Stella McCartney designed leotards for the Games. The article published on The Metro Online on the 3rd of April details the reason for deciding to go with a different designer, put check out a lovely photograph of the team accompanying the article here.

McCartney's range of clothing and kit for the 2012 Great Britain Olympic team was unveiled last month, amid a flurry of publicity, and some criticism at the predominance of blue over red on the Union flag-inspired design.
But gymnastics team coach Sarah Moon has revealed her team have broken ranks and are going with another, as yet unnamed, designer.
'We get to choose our own designer and designs - I can’t say who the designer is as the designs haven’t been completely signed off yet,' she said.
This will be the first Olympic Games where Great Britain has had a team in the rhythmic gymnastics competition, the sport having been part of the Olympics since Los Angeles 1984.
The team have already made headlines after they were controversially denied a place at the Games in a dispute over meeting progress targets in qualifying, before the decision was overturned and they were allowed to enter the competition.
They are now keen to make the most of their moment in the spotlight, and the way the team look is extremely important.
'It’s the first time that Britain has qualified in this event so just to be there is amazing and to get to publicise the sport in Britain,' said Moon.

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