
2012 US Women's Olympic Trials - Day One - LIVE!

5:38 PM

And we are off! Hope everyone is as excited as I am!! News of the day is the Sharp's Gymnastics Academy's Bridget Sloan is out of the competition. She sprained her elbow in tonight's warm ups. Such a disappointment and I would like to wish her all the best. See Inside Gymnastics (http://www.insidegymnastics.com/content/show/2012-Olympics-Countdown.aspx?articleid=1508&zoneid=83) for more. Ahh I am crying already. My heart is breaking for Nastia - great start of the routine. Dear NBC Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps great but do I really need to watch their SEMI FINAL race noooow?? The look on Shawn's face when Gabby had that mistake was like oh wow. So after rotation one.... Maroney, Price, Wieber. Maroney falls on Shaposh. Phenomenal save on beam for Anna Li!! COME ON BROSS!!! Oh dears. And it's Wieber, Price and Ross at the halfway point. Solid routine from Raisman, a couple of bobbles. Let's go A-SAC! What a proud brother Jordyn has! Massive floor routine for Douglas! Maroney falls on side aerial. It's Wieber, Douglas and Ross after three rotations. Price and Raisman tied in fourth in the All Around. Top 3 at the end of Night One - Wieber, Douglas and Raisman. Event Leaders: McKayla Maroney on Vault, Kyla Ross and Anna Li tied on the Uneven Bars, Sarah Finnegan on the Balance Beam and Alexandra Raisman on the Floor Exercise.

  1. Jordyn Wieber (Gedderts') (15.900, 15.350, 15.050, 15.400) 61.700
  2. Gabrielle Douglas (Chow's) (15.800, 15.250, 14.900, 15.450) 61.400
  3. Alexandra Raisman (Brestyan's) (15.550, 14.200, 14.950, 15.600) 60.300
  4. Elizabeth Price (Parkettes) (16.050, 14.500, 14.150, 14.900) 59.600 
  5. Kyla Ross (Gym Max) (14.500, 15.500, 14.900, 14.500) 59.400
  6. Sarah Finnegan (GAGE) (15.000, 14.400, 15.100, 14.550) 59.050
  7. McKayla Maroney (AOGC) (16.100, 13.350, 13.650, 15.200) 58.300
  8. Brenna Dowell (GAGE) (14.900, 14.250, 14.000, 14.100) 57.250
  9. Kennedy Baker (Texas Dreams) (14.650, 13.900, 13.000, 14.600) 56.150
  10. Sabrina Vega (Dynamic) (14.250, 13.150, 14.250, 14.350) 56.000
  11. Alicia Sacramone (Brestyan's) (15.700, 0.000, 15.000, 0.000) 30.700
  12. Anna Li (Legacy Elite) (0.000, 15.500, 13.100, 0.000) 28.600
  13. Nastia Liukin (WOGA) (0.000, 14.050, 14.500, 0.000) 28.550
  14. Rebecca Bross (WOGA) (0.000, 15.300, 12.050, 0.000) 27.350
  15. Bridget Sloan (Sharp's) (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) 0.000
  1. McKayla Maroney 16.100 
  2. Elizabeth Price 16.050
  3. Jordyn Wieber 15.900
  4. Gabrielle Douglas 15.800
  5. Alicia Sacramone 15.700
  6. Alexandra Raisman 15.550
  7. Sarah Finnegan 15.000
  8. Brenna Dowell 14.900
  9. Kennedy Baker 14.650
  10. Kyla Ross 14.500
  11. Sabrina Vega 14.250
  12. Anna Li; Nastia Liukin; Rebecca Bross; Bridget Sloan 0.000
  1. McKayla Maroney (16.100, 15.400) 15.750
  2. Alicia Sacramone (15.700, 15.050) 15.375
  1. Kyla Ross; Anna Li 15.500

  2. Jordyn Wieber 15.350
  3. Rebecca Bross 15.300
  4. Gabrielle Douglas 15.250
  5. Elizabeth Price 14.500
  6. Sarah Finnegan 14.400
  7. Brenna Dowell 14.250
  8. Alexandra Raisman 14.200
  9. Nastia Liukin 14.050
  10. Kennedy Baker 13.900
  11. McKayla Maroney 13.350
  12. Sabrina Vega 13.150
  13. Alicia Sacramone; Bridget Sloan 0.000
  1. Sarah Finnegan 15.100
  2. Jordyn Wieber 15.050
  3. Alicia Sacramone 15.000
  4. Alexandra Raisman 14.950
  5. Gabrielle Douglas 14.900
  6. Kyla Ross 14.600
  7. Nastia Liukin 14.500
  8. Sabrina Vega 14.250
  9. Elizabeth Price 14.150
  10. Brenna Dowell 14.000
  11. McKayla Maroney 13.650
  12. Anna Li 13.100
  13. Kennedy Baker 13.000
  14. Rebecca Bross 12.050
  15. Bridget Sloan 0.000
  1. Alexandra Raisman 15.600
  2. Gabrielle Douglas 15.450
  3. Jordyn Wieber 15.400
  4. McKayla Maroney 15.200
  5. Elizabeth Price 14.900
  6. Kennedy Baker 14.600
  7. Sarah Finnegan 14.550
  8. Kyla Ross 14.500
  9. Sabrina Vega 14.350
  10. Brenna Dowell 14.100
  11. Alicia Sacramone; Nastia Liukin; Anna Li; Bridget Sloan; Rebecca Bross 0.000

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