
Bangladesh Set to Hail Caesar!

2:47 AM

A fantastic article has emerged on Reuters about Syque Caesar, the University of Michigan gymnast who received the Tripartite Commission invitation to compete at the 2012 Olympic Games for Bangladesh. Check out the interview at the following link http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/07/09/oly-gymn-bangladesh-caesar-idINDEE86807F20120709 and follow him on Twitter: @SyqueCaesar.

A couple of quotes from the article:
  • "Like 90 percent of all gymnasts, it has always been my biggest dream to go to the Olympics, and I'm very excited to finally have the opportunity to make the dream a reality."
  • "My goal is to hit all six of my routines to the best of my abilities. If I am able to do that, I will be satisfied with my performance regardless of where I place."

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