
Beth Bar None

6:13 PM

A fantastic and very informative piece has been published on the Daily Mail Online which also includes some images, including the one you can see above. Check out the interview at the following link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-2176608/London-2012-Olympics-Beth-Tweddle-interview.html but here is a small snippet where she talks about retirement. 

Adjusting to life outside the gym after what will almost certainly be her last major competition is going to be the hardest part for Tweddle, who has already deferred a physiotherapy degree until next year so she can spend time with family and friends after the Olympics.After 20 years of jumping, twisting and somersaulting for hours every day, simply trying to act ‘normal’ will be difficult for the girl who has always been hyperactive.‘Even at home I can’t sit still and watch a film,’ admits Tweddle. ‘I’ll be wandering around doing something. It annoys my flatmate and my boyfriend (Steven, 30, whom she has been seeing for 18 months). I definitely won’t retire  straightaway. This is all I’ve known since I was seven. I will never walk away from gymnastics, I just need to find the next step.’When she does, it won’t be easy finding the next Beth Tweddle.

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