
Izurieta, Popa win Senior/Junior AA Titles Respectively

5:40 AM

Los Cantos Alcorcon's Ana Maria Izurieta Garcia has won the 2012 Spain's Senior Women's All Around title over Maria Paula Vargas Mota (Las Rozas) and Ainhoa Carmona Urbano (Xelska). Roxana Daniela Popa Nedelcu (CGA Pozeulo) triumphed in the Junior All Around competition with Laura Gamell Villa (Terrassa) and Claudia Colom Martin (Xelska) rounding out the top three. Izurieta took out the top scores on the Vault, Balance Beam and Floor Exercise, with Vargas taking out the honors on the Uneven Bars. For the Juniors, Popa was the highest scorer on the Vault and Balance Beam, with Laura Gamell Villa the top on Uneven Bars and Mariana Colussi Pelaez (Las Rozas) having the top mark on the Floor Exercise. Maria Paula Vargas Mota was named by FIG as the Nominative holder for the Spanish berth at the Olympics, however after the National Championships, could we see the berth go to Izurieta? Spain's participants will be officially recognised by the Federation tomorrow (17/07/2012). 

  1. Ana Maria Izurieta Garcia (Los Cantos Alcorcon) (14.900, 14.400, 14.950, 14.300) 58.550
  2. Maria Paula Vargas Mota (Las Rozas) (14.000, 14.700, 14.600, 14.100) 57.400
  3. Ainhoa Carmona Urbano (Xelska) (13.733, 12.900, 14.050, 13.450) 54.133
  4. Silvia Colussi-Pelaez (Las Rozas) (13.800, 11.900, 14.450, 13.250) 53.400
  5. Claudia Vila Barnes (SALT) (13.600, 12.500, 13.400, 12.950) 52.450
  6. Cintia Rodriguez Rodriguez (Xelska) (13.533, 12.900, 12.200, 12.900) 51.533
  7. Toya Rojas Pascual (Grech) (13.800, 12.950, 11.950, 12.800) 51.500
  8. Melodi Pulgarin Linero (University of Denver) (14.000, 12.150, 11.950, 12.550) 50.650
  9. Elena Zaldivar Saez (CGA Pozuelo) (12.467, 12.750, 11.400, 12.450) 49.067
  10. Laura Navajas Fernandez (Xelska) (0.000, 12.050, 0.000, 0.000) 12.050
  1. Roxana Daniela Popa (CGA Pozuelo) (15.367, 13.250, 13.600, 12.750) 54.967
  2. Laura Gamell Villa (Terrassa) (13.267, 13.350, 12.750, 12.450) 51.817
  3. Claudia Colom Martin (Xelska) (13.200, 12.050, 12.000, 12.800) 50.050
  4. Natalia Ros Vazquez (Xelska) (12.667, 12.100, 12.500, 12.150) 49.417
  5. Carolina Sanchez Martinez (Xelska) (13.167, 12.500, 10.500, 12.550) 48.717
  6. Mariana Colussi Pelaez (Las Rozas) (13.633, 9.800, 11.900, 12.900) 48.233
  7. Fabiana Paola Dorante (Natacio Granollers) (12.167, 11.950, 11.850, 11.850) 47.817
  8. Eliany De Lourdes Varela (Artistica L Hospitalet) (12.800, 11.600, 10.650, 12.450) 47.500
  9. Maria Prieto Perez (Arthemys) (12.567, 8.200, 9.950, 10.600) 41.317
  10. Carla Fernandez Iniesta (SALT) (12.067, 9.050, 8.500, 10.750) 40.367
  11. Paula Raya Artigas (Terrassa) (0.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000) 13.200

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