
Quick Hits - MAG/WAG Event Finals

1:11 AM


From the Australian coverage of the Artistic Gymnastics which features commentary by Liz Chetkovich and Mark Readings.


  • Still so many empty seats. 
  • Huge applause for Alexander Shatilov and Jacob Dalton! 
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) - Lovely first line, shoulders slightly forward on second pass, Russians, triple twist to finish. Solid routine. He looks happy. Peace sign to the camera.
  • ZOU Kai (CHN) - Double twisting double layout, double twist forward to full twist forward, Russians, double double. He's psyched with that.
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) - Whip to layout Thomas, Double twisting full to double front - incredible, Arabian double pike, triple twist to finish.
  • Flavius Koczi (ROU) - Massive step forward on first pass, Manna position to handstand, another triple twist dismount.
  • Alexander Shatilov (ISR) - Double twisting back out, full in back out to finish. Low on a number of the landings. 
  • Jacob Dalton (USA) - Big hop back on 1.5 to Rudi. Whip to tucked Thomas, lovely triple twist to finish. Mark Williams looks happy.
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) - Double double layout, large stumble on the landing. Whip to layout Thomas, double double to finish. Lovely smile and wave to the camera.
  • ZOU Kai is swaying back and forth. In anticipation I think.
  • Enrique Tomas Gonzalez Sepulveda (CHI) - Huge roar from the crowd, Double double layout, rushed take off means he only completes a front half, whip to tucked Thomas, short on his triple twist. He still looks happy! Nice wave to the camera, and points to the country's insignia - so proud of his country. Looks soooo surprised to come in fourth!!
  • All three placers are excited with their finishes. 
  • Large applause for Chuso and McKayla
  • Brittany Rogers (CAN) - Lovely DTY to start off just hop backwards; Half on front layout off, low in the landing. Smiles and waves to the camera. 
  • Janine Berger (GER) - Handspring front 1.5 off. 2 hops backwards. She's only young and has a bright future ahead of her. Tsukahara double twist - huge step back. Ulla Koch looks psyched. Aww she's crying. 
  • Elsabeth Black (CAN) - Crashes her Rudi. Escorted by David Kikuchi up the runway. She looks very upset. Scores a 0.000 but wants to compete a second vault. Balks on the second vault. Poor Ellie, She's in serious pain. 
  • Yamilet Pena Abreu (DOM) - What a moment for her. Produnova - Misses her run. Goes back to start again. Lands feet first but sits it down. Looks super annoyed. Step back on the DTY.She looks hell annoyed
  • Oksana Chusovitina (GER) - Low on Rudi but a solid start. Awkward landing. Tsukahara 1.5 -bounce on the landing. Takes a moment, blows kiss to the crowd. 
  • Maria Paseka (RUS) - Huge step out of bounds on the Amanar;  Roundoff Half turn on front layout off - lovely, just a step on the landing.
  • McKayla Maroney (USA) - Gorgeous Amanar to start apart from directional issues. Now Mustafina - and OMG she sits it down. Arthur Akopyan looks like wow. She is devastated and wow. 
  • Sandra Raluca Ibasa (ROU) - Mustafina - slightly bent legs, hop forward. DTY - Huge hop backwards. 
  • Poor Sandra can't believe it. Long hug for Maroney. Izbasa is touched and still looks surprised! 
  • Octavian Bellu gets a long hug from Sandra. Oh don't cry Janine. 
  • Woops Maroney steps straight onto the medal podium. Lots of tears for Paseka.
  • Very cool, calm and collected Izbasa. Goes and gives hugs and kisses to the other girls. Total professional. Huge smile! 
  • CHEN Yibing (CHN) - Pink leotard with dragons. Kisses the post. Solid routine!
  • Federico Molinari (ARG) - Slight bobble before the dismount and counts a fall on the 1.5 double twisting dismount. 
  • Aleksandr Balandin (RUS) - Another solid routine with a stuck dismount.
  • Matteo Morandi (ITA) - Swing to Inverted Cross, lovely positions, slight wobble on the rings.double full out dismount with hop to the middle. It's hugs all around
  • Iordan Iotchev (BUL) - What a moment! Solid routine, buckled in the knees on the full twisting double layout dismount. Great crowd appreciation.
  • Tommy Ramos (PUR) - Solid routine for Tommy! 
  • Denis Aslyazin (RUS) - Double double dismount.Few deductions throughout the routine
  • Arthur Nabarrete Zanetti (BRA) - SOLID!!
  • HE Kexin (CHN) - Love this leotard. Full pirouette, Jaeger to mixed grip to Jaeger, Layout Jaeger, full circle. Full in back out dismount. Lovely smile and wave to the crowd.
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) - Pak salto, layout Jaeger, late on stoop full, layout Tkatchev, step back and crooked on the double double dismount. Looks devastated already.
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) - Looks very determined. Maloney to stalder half to giant to Def. Jaeger. Stalder full to Church. Stoop to full in back out dismount.
  • She looks mighty pleased!
  • YAO Jinnan (CHN) - Stalder Maloney to Pak, Tkatchev, lovely stuck double layout dismount. Both pleased with one another.
  • Elizabeth Tweddle (GBR) - Such a sparkly leotard! Phenomenal routine, just a bobble on the dismount. Claps and acknowledges the crowd. Hannah Whelan's right there with her. 
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) - Aww HE's crying. 1.5 twisting double tuck dismount. Super solid routine! 
  • Aliya waves to the crowd. She's elated! Her coaches are going nuts!
  • Koko Tsurumi (JPN) - Tkatchev, Blind to Ono to Jaeger, catches close to bar. Stuck double layout dismount.
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) - Endo to piked Tkatchev, a bit of an issues with her pirouetting, step back on DLO Dismount
  • The crowd goes wild. Mustafina gold, KEXIN silver although its a subdued celebration. Beth wins bronze. 
  • Flavius Koczi (ROU) - Half on triple off - under rotated. Valued as a Randi but I don't think he achieved it. 
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) - Yurchenko double pike - phenomenal. Sits down Handspring double front.
  • Isaac Botella Perez (ESP) - Tsuk 2.5 with step forward. Handspring double front full - very nice.
  • Igor Radivilov (UKR) - Fantastic Dragulescu!! Tsuk double pike with step back,
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) - Phenomenal Tsuk double pike. Roundoff half on front layout 2.5 twist.
  • Samuel Mikulak (USA) - Tsuk triple full - step back. Stuck Handspring double front - STUCK!
  • Enrique Tomas Gonzalez Sepulveda (CHI) - Tsuk double pike - STUCK! Thumbs up at the score. Yurchenko 2.5 - Just a hop forward. He's happy. Waves to the camera. 
  • Yang Hak Seon (KOR) - The YANG - 2 massive steps forward. STUCK Second vault. 
  • See Mielieta's Quick Hits here.
  • Vasileios Tsolakidis (GRE) - Massive double front pike, rhythm was a bit off. 
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) - Tippelt, front somersault straddle, lovely dismount. 
  • See Mielieta's Quick Hits here
  • So many tears this week
  • Yay for a score inquiry! 
  • Waves from the Russian girls.
  • Aly is just so cool, calm and collected.
  • Cheers from the crowd as the inquiry is announced.
  • SOO Happy for Mihai and Aly.
  • Ohh poor Cata.
  • The conversation between Vassily Titov and the medalists was sooo sweet. 
  • Huge roar for Hambuechen but not as loud as for Epke Zonderland and Jon Horton
  • Danell Leyva (USA) - Full twisting Tkatchev, layout Kovacs, stoop hop to reverse, little squatty on the double double dismount
  • ZHANG Chenglong (CHN) - Solid routine with a super fight to land that double twisting double back dismount
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) - Layout Tkatchev, Tkatchev to reverse, come out on the wrong side of the bar in the middle of the routine. Double double dismount with a hop.
  • ZOU Kai (CHN) - Slightly low on the dismount but a rock solid routine. Massive 7.9 D score
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) - Freaking awesome routine!! He's psyched!!! Lots of bouncing around and hugs
  • Epke Zonderland (NED) - ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!! 
  • Jonathan Horton (USA) - Super solid routine! 
  • Jihoon Kim (KOR) - A couple of large steps on the dismount but a nice routine. 
  • Such comraderie between Epke and Fabian. It's just so sweet.
  • Ksenia Afanasyeva (RUS) - DLO - fought to hold on but went out, two whips to triple twist, double turn, OOB on next pass, double turn with leg up, interesting choreography, double pike.
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) - Bounce back on double double, OOB on the second pass, triple turn, 2.5 to split jump, a couple of bobbles throughout, double pike with shuffle backwards.
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) - PHENOMENAL!!! Huge hug from Mihai. Jordyn's like "excuse me but can I have a hug please". 
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) - DLO, whip whip full in to back tuck, very sassy routine, triple twist, double pike dismount
  • Lauren Mitchell (AUS) - All in all a solid routine from Lauren!!
  • Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) - Double double, whip to full in to hack tuck. lovely routine
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) - Love this routine!
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) - Full in back out, Solid start, fall on the final pass.

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