
Women's Qualification Quick Hits

3:53 AM


From the Australian Pay TV Provider Foxtel's coverage. With featured commentary by Liz Chetkovich and Mark Reading. Am slowly working my way through typing up my notes, unfortunately I missed out on the Men's Team Final.

I love how the stadium starts off in darkness with the Judges and Competitors marching out. Liz said she's got mixed feelings on the upcoming second subdivision and seeing the Australians compete. So lovely to see the gymnasts backstage if you like. Love the atmosphere especially seeing as their is three groups of mixed competitors. Pictures don't capture how sparkly some of these leotards are! See Seon Mi Heo and Maria Homolova.

  • Gaelle Mys (BEL) (Vault): Lovely Yurchenko Full. Slight jump backwards on the landing. Wow taken forever to get her score.
  • Vasiliki Millousi (GRE) (UB): Jaeger, lovely dismount. Had to fight for a couple of her handstands. 
  • Ana Sofia Gomez Porras (GUA) (VT): Love this girl. Yurchenko Double twist. Very nice.
  • Daiane Dos Santos (BRA) (FX) - Full in double layout. Double layout, Whip-whip double tuck, lovely to see her smiling through the routine. Double turn with leg up - under rotated. Clean double pike to finish. So happy with the score!
  • Daniele Matias Hypolito (BRA) (FX) -2.5 Front layout with a super scary landing. Double tuck - third tumbling line. Hands down on double pike dismount. Did you know she is called "HYP-O-LOTO"?
  • Vasiliki Millousi (BB) - Great connection to start, front aerial to back series. Solid routine. Few steps back on the landing.
  • Daiane dos Santos (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Massive step forward, with form break in the air. She's giving Hypolito advice.
  • Bruna Kuroiwa Yamamoto Leal (BRA) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Ethiene Cristina Gonser Franco is always smiling and happy. An okay vault.
  • Daniele Matias Hypolito (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Nice vault, but a bit of a direction issue. Both feet OOB.
  • Dorina Boczogo (HUN) (FX) - Double front OOB. Great leap series. Love her dance and expression. Front through double tuck. Double pike dismount. Love her floor music too. She always has a great music selection. Nice wave and smile to the camera.
  • Kristyna Palesova (CZE) (FX) - YAY THEY SHOW HER ROUTINE!! Double turn with leg up. 1.5 through to front full - OOB. Such expressive dance. OOB with double tuck dismount. My favorite routine!
  • Jonna Adlerteg (SWE) (BB) - Stunning leo. Lovely leaps. Front kick over. Flip layover. Huge wobble turn with leg up. Front aerial to sheep jump - a little messy. Double tuck dismount. Step on landing. 
  • Daiane dos Santos (BRA) (UB) - Tkatchev, she's happy with that effort. Nice to see her having a ball. 
  • Hiu Ying Angel Wong (HKG) (VT) - Lovely second vault. Huge step back.
  • Ethiene Cristina Gonser Franco (BRA) (UB) - Nice handstand position. Solid routine. Not quite in handstand on overshoot to low bar. 
  • Dorina Boczogo (HUN) (VT) - Sits down - layout 1.5. 
  • Ana Sofia Gomez Porras (GUA) (BB) - Flip tuck full. Front aerial, back tuck. Change leg side leap. 2.5 twist dismount.
  • Daniele Matias Hypolito (BRA) (UB) - Late finish on 1.5 pirouette. Double layout dismount. 
  • Yamilet Pena Abreu (DOM) (VT) - Produnova - Land feet first. Got it around but sits it down. Opens out a little early. Yurchenko Double - awesome vault!
  • Vasiliki Millousi (GRE) (FX) - Love this routine. So expressive. Double twist with a jump out. Double pike. Lovely smile on the salute. 
  • Annika Urvikko (FIN) (VT) - Handspring front 0.5 twist off. Slightly low in the landing. She's so happy!
  • Heo Seon Mi (KOR) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Lovely vault, huge hop forward. 
  • Elsa Garcia Rodriguez Blancas (MEX) (FX) - Lovely floor worker. Short landing of double layout. Full in back out. 2.5 twist punch front. Double pike dismount.
  • Kristyna Palesova (CZE) (UB) - Double straight dismount. Solid routine!
  • Daniele Matias Hypolito (BRA) - BB - Solid flip-flip layout, front tuck, long pause before round off double tuck dismount.
  • Harumy Mariko de Freitas (BRA) (BB) - Off on acro series, a couple of balance checks throughout the routine. Double tuck dismount.
Southern cross on the back of the Aussie leotard. Please don't just show the Australian routines. 
  • Emily Little (AUS) (FX) - Nice smile. Full in back out. Full in tuck. 1.5 twist step out double twist. Wolf pivot. Double pike dismount with hands down. Where's Peggy?
  • Larrissa Miller (AUS) (FX) - Front full, front double, Steps back on second tumbling line - double arabian. Lovely floor worker. 2.5 front layout. Triple turn. Double pike dismount. 
  • Ashleigh Brennan (AUS) (FX) - Double tuck, Lovely leaps, turns and dance. Front layout, front full through to stag leap. Great routine!!
  • No Peggy on the Floor??
  • Lauren Mitchell (AUS) (FX) - Super solid routine. A small bobble on the second tumbling pass.
  • Georgia Bonora (AUS) (VT) - Solid full twist.
  • Ashleigh Brennan (AUS) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Stepped OOB.
  • Lauren Mitchell (AUS) (VT) - Clean Yurchenko 1.5.
  • Emily Little (AUS) (VT) - Yurchenko double twist - Lovely vault!
  • Nope looks like it's going to be an all Australian broadcast
  • Emily Little (AUS) (UB) - Jaeger, double layout dismount. A bit short on a couple of her handstands. But nothing too major.
  • Georgia Bonora (AUS) (UB) - Comaneci salto, step forward on double front dismount. Good routine.
  • Ashleigh Brennan (AUS) (UB) - Nice toe full, Tkatchev, Double layout. Solid routine. 
  • Larrissa Miller (AUS) (UB) - Gienger, Stoop half into Jaeger. Fantastic routine for Miller! A little late in a couple of her turns. 
  • Ooooh finally we see Peggy Liddick!
  • In all the lull we could see a few other performances!!!!
  • Emily Little (AUS) (BB) - full turn in wolf position, lovely acro series, Leap combo through to back tuck, change side half, double pike dismount, seemed a little low.
  • Georgia Bonora (AUS) (BB) - Lovely jump combo, solid start of the routine. Lovely Onodi, Fall. 
  • Ashleigh Brennan (AUS) (BB) - Fantastic routine! Until the dismount when she put her hands down.
  • Lauren Mitchell (AUS) (BB) - Huge wobble. Didn't make the triple turn in wolf position - think it was more like two and half. Lovely dismount, but a little jump. 
  • Huddle time!
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (VT) - Amanar - Lovely!
  • Jenny Zhang seems like such a sweet coach.
  • Victoria Moors (CAN) (UB) - Toe front half off dismount. Solid Routine.
  • Gabby Douglas (USA) (VT) - Amanar - Lovely!
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (VT) - Amanar - Slightly off to the side.
  • McKayla Maroney (USA) (VT) - Amanar - a bit uncontrolled in the landing but an okay effort. Her second vault, wasn't shown - major boo.
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (BB) - Missing the mount. Solid start, slight wobble after the sheep jump. Off on side aerial, a few balance checks throughout the routine. Deep squat on double pike dismount.
  • Sophia Serseri (FRA) (FX) - Double tuck, big step back. In certainly shots you have to look twice because she looks like Wieber from afar! Double Pike dismount.
  • Love how Reading rounds the score.
  • Sophia Serseri (FRA) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5. Nice.
  • Aurelie Malaussena (FRA) (VT) - Handspring tuck half out. 
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (UB) - Wieler Kip, Wielier kip half, losses rhythm, toe on full, tkatchev, full twisting layout dismount.              
  • Kyla Ross (USA) (UB) - Jaeger, stoop full, double layout dismount. Solid routine.
  • Gabby Douglas (USA) (UB) - Little late on the pirouettes in the stoop full. Awesome routine!!
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (FX) - Whip to triple twist. Very entertaining. 1.5 twist to 2.5 twist, double pike dismount.                  
  • Elizabeth Tweddle (GBR) (FX) - Listen to the roar! 1.5 twist to double arabian. Double Arabian piked. Awesome chereography, Falls out slightly of the double turn with leg up. 2.5 twist to stag jump.
  • Kyla Ross (USA) (BB) - Rock solid routine, change leg leap to back pike, side somi, lovely dismount with just a tiny hop.
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (VT) - Double twisting Yurchenko some form issues
  • Imogen Cairns (GBR) (VT) - Clean Yurchenko 1.5
  • Rebecca Tunney (GBR) (VT) - Double twisting Yurchenko, off to the side on the landing
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (BB) - Front handspring to tuck full, slight hesitation before the flip. Lovely elevation on the leap series. Balance check change leg slight leap. Two and a half twist dismount. 
  • Victoria Moors (CAN) (FX) - Assassin's Tango. 1.5 step out through to triple twist. Lovely dance. Bounce back on double tuck to finish.
  • Kyla Ross (USA) (FX) - Double arabian - huge power to the leap and ended up taking a step oob. Full in back out. Nice to see her smiling. Double turn with leg up. Double tuck dismount.
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (FX) - 1.5 to triple twist. Double arabian huge step OOB. Nice to see crowd clapping. Full in back out. Double tuck to split jump to finish. 
  • Rebecca Tunney (GBR) (UB) - Solid routine, a few form breaks however.
  • Elizabeth Tweddle (GBR) (UB) - Phenomenal routine!!
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (FX) - Double twisting double back. Step OOB on second tumbling line. 2.5 twist to split jump. Double pike to finish.
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (FX) - Phenomenal!!!
  • Elsabeth Black (CAN) (VT) - Lovely.
  • Awww Aly's like "Where does it say that?" - Mihai goes "up there!" and Aly is soo emotional. Here's hoping she rocks the AA Final! Poor Wieber is crying. Feel so bad for her.
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (FX) - Love this floor music. Double turn leg up - went OOB at the end of it. Double tuck. Triple twist to finish.
  • Jessica Gil Ortiz (COL) (VT) - Handspring front half out. Lovely vault. Nice wave to the camera. So happy!
  • SUI Lu (CHN) (BB) - Front half. Split ring. Full turn leg up. Very nice. Side somi. Lovely leaps. So much chalk being kicked up. Stuck double pike dismount. 
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (UB) - Full twisting gienger, Toe on piked tkatchev, Full in tuck dismount. Lovely routine.
  • Anastasia Grishina (RUS) (FX) - Full twisting double back OOB. falls out of double turn with leg up. Gorgeous leaps. Missed turn. Stuck double tuck. Double pike jump forward and had a huge pause in the corner before it.
  • Oh dear think Mr Reading needs to get his facts about Eli Seitz straight - "first year as a senior???"
  • YAO Jinnan (CHN) (BB) - Off on tuck full. Huge wobble on flick-flack layout. Lovely sheep jump. Full turn leg up. Nice double pike dismount. 
  • Anastasia Grishina (RUS) (VT) - Double twisting Yurchenko. Deep squat in the landing.
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (VT) - Lovely Amanar
  • Jessica Lopez (VEN) (UB) - Layout Jaeger, Tucked Tkatchev into Gienger. Slight overarch in handstand position. Double front dismount.
  • SUI Lu (CHN) (FX) - I don't think I like this music. Triple spin. Hopping out double turn with leg held. Nice routine though.Whip to immediate triple to open.
  • Oksana Chusovitina (GER) (BB) - THANK YOU FOXTEL!!! Front salto pike to immediate back salto pike. Love her close beam work it's very unusual. Front salto tucked. Change side leap. Lovely leaps. Full turn in wolf position. Double tuck dismount. Her team mates - especially Janine Berger look thrilled for her!
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (FX) - 2.5 twist front half combo. Triple twist. Lovely expressive dance. Low shoulders on double tuck. 
  • YAO Jinnan (CHN) (FX) - Triple twist, Double twist, double turn with leg held at vertical, Low on the landing with a fall and had to improvise choreography. Double pike dismount, landed in a kind of a squat.  
  • HE Kexin (CHN) (VT) - Still find it strange that she's doing vault. Yurchenko full twist. Step backwards and was off to the side.
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (VT) - Off direction in the DTY.
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (UB) - Piked Jaeger, toe-on Shaposhnikova half, 1.5 Double back dismount.
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (VT) - Lovely DTY, bit of leg separation.
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (UB) -  Missed the mount. Layout Jaeger, Piked Jaeger, Double double dismount. Lovely routine.
  • Maria Paseka of Russia looked ecstatic to to just salute the judges for the Uneven Bars, which she did not compete.
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (FX) - Piked full in back out OOB. Lovely triple turn. Lovely routine. 
  • Okay that is the sweetest thing!! Germany's Kim Bui has a sign "Greetings to Loved Ones on the bottle.
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (BB) - Double turn, Standing Arabian, Change ring leap, a few wobbles, Switch leap half, Stuck dismount.
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (UB) - L-Grip Endo into piked Jaeger, Double layout dismount. Lovely routine.
  • HE Kexin (CHN) (UB) - Tuck full in dismount. Spectacular routine!
  • Oksana Chusovitina (GER) (VT) - Handspring of 1.5 off - a bit of an issue with the landing but a good vault! 
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (BB) - Missed the beginning. Lovely worker on this apparatus. Standing Arabian. Bobble on a couple of her skills. Flip-Flip Double Arabian dismount.
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (UB) - Double layout full out dismount. Missed a couple of her handstands.
  • Ksenia Afanasyeva (RUS) (BB) - Solid in her acro skills. Swith leap full. Onodi to side somi. Lovely dismount.
  • Dear goodness these two studio commentators have no idea what they are talking about - leave it to the professionals please.
  • So sweet to see the Egyptian ladies Sherine Ahmed El Zeiny and Salma Mahmoud El Said Mohamed walk into the arena holding hands!
  • How happy does Simona Castro Lazo look! 
  • Love PHAN Thi Ha Thanh's leotard it's a similar version to her Worlds Vault EF leotard but with Gold included on the sleeve.
  • PHAN Thi Ha Thanh (VIE) (VT) - Yurchenko Double Twist - short in rotation - counts a fall. Second Vault: Handspring front 1.5 in piked position - off to the side and jump OOB. 
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) (FX) - Salutes on the floor area. Double layout, Tuck full, was supposed to be a full in. Double pike to finish. Was supposed to include a triple twist.
  • Koko Tsurumi (JPN) (UB) - Lovely pirouetting, Double layout to finish. Clean routine.
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (FX) - Piked full in, Full in tuck - low on the landing. Lovely routine. 
  • Salma Mahmoud El Said Mohamed (EGY) (VT) - Lovely Yurchenko Full
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (FX) - Double double, Full in back out, lovely dance and such presence on the Floor, short on the third pass, double tuck to finish.
  • Yay! Alina Kozich!
  • Rie Tanaka (JPN) (UB) - Showed the start and then when to an ad break - WHAT THE???
  • Yuko Shintake (JPN) (BB) - Change leg back tuck combo, Onodi, step out, Slight bobble on her acro series, double pike dismount.
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) (VT) - DTY - Lovely height, icky landing though
  • Ana Maria Izurieta (ESP) (FX) - Whip whip triple twist, full in back out. "Excalibur". Lovely routine.
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (VT) - Fabulous second vault! 
  • Yu Minobe (JPN) (BB) - Balance check round off layout, double pike dismount - low in the landing
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (BB) - Double turn, Onodi to backhand spring step layout, triple twist dismount. Lovely routine!
  • Laura Svilpaite (LTU) (FX) - Zebra print leotard. 1.5 twist to punch front. Double tuck lands in a squat. Lovely routine, beautiful execution.
  • Yuko Shintake (JPN) (FX) - 2.5 twsit to stag jump, hop to side on landing of second pass, triple turn, double pike to finish
  • Diana Laura Bulimar (ROU) (UB) - Stalder full to tkatchev, Full in back out dismount with a hop to the side. 
  • Diana Maria Chelaru (ROU) (UB) - Gienger between the bars, bounce on the dismount.
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (UB) - Messy Jaeger, some leg separation in her turns, nice dismount.
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (FX) - 2.5 front layout, double turn.
  • Sasa Golob (SLO) (BB) - Fight to stay on the beam on first element, sheep jump, hesitation between change leg leap and back tuck, front full dismount.
  • Rie Tanaka (JPN) (FX) - front double layout half, double tuck, layout back 1.5, interesting music - including 'Pink Panther', Double pike to finish.
  • Ana Maria Izurieta (ESP) (VT) - Nice DTY 
  • Diana Laura Bulimar (ROU) (BB) - So much chalk on her hands! Such a fast group of beam workers on the Romanian team. Flip, flip to double pike dismount. Lovely routine.
  • Koko Tsurumi (JPN) (VT) - Yurchenko full - very clean.
  • Rie Tanaka (JPN) (VT) - Fall on a Yurchenko 1.5
  • Eli Seitz and Janine Berger of Germany look positively bored.
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (VT) - Step back on landing
  • The Japanese shake hands to congratulate on another. 
  • Heem Wei Lim (SIN) (UB) - Great to see her get some coverage of her. Such a huge smile after the performance!
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (BB) - Wobble on flip tuck full, double turn, switch leap half, wobbles galore, front kick over, Round off flip to triple twist dismount.
  • Lovely comraderie in the Mixed Groups. 
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) (BB) - Huge wobble on her first leap, double pivot, Onodi to flip-whip, another wobble on her acro series, double pike dismount. 
  • Celine van Gerner (NED) (FX) - 1.5 to front full, short and OOB. Double turn with leg at horizontal, interesting choreography, double tuck.

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