
Arturo Gander Memorial

5:06 PM

Ilaria Kaeslin is set to make her Senior debut. (Image courtesy of NKL - see here)

The 29th edition of the Arturo Gander Memorial is set to be held on the 31st of October at the Palapenz di Chiasso in Chiasso, Switzerland. This competition is held annually, with it being alternated between Morges and Chiasso. This year however, sees the Arturo Gander Memorial take on a brand new format. A total of 10 Men's Artistic Gymnasts and 10 Women's Artistic Gymnasts are hoped to participate. For the MAG participants, Rounds 1-4 will see all MAG gymnasts compete on a single apparatus each round, of which they choose. For the Women, Rounds  1-2 sees all Gymnasts take part, competing on a single apparatus each round, and as with the Men, the apparatus they compete on is their choice. Round 4 for the Men and Round 3 for the Women is the Finale round, and sees the top six gymnasts from the Qualification rounds (after the total of the apparatus scores have been worked out) compete on one final apparatus of their choosing. The Winner of the competition will be the MAG and WAG Gymnasts who have the highest All Around scores (calculated from the total of the scores from all 4 Rounds for the Men and 3 Rounds for the Women). 

According to the official site (see: http://www.memorialgander.ch/) gymnasts from Belarus, Brazil, Germany,  Great Britain, Italy, Korea, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, and Ukraine are set to participate. The following gymnasts have been announced: The lists below have now been finalized. 

  • Nastassia Marachkouskaya (BLR)
  • Niamh Rippin (GBR)
  • Lisa Katharina Hill (GER)
  • Carlotta Ferlito (ITA)
  • Ji Hye Sung (KOR)
  • Yulia Belokobylskaya (RUS)
  • Giulia Steingruber (SUI)
  • Ilaria Kaeslin (SUI)
  • Mariya Livchikova (UKR)
  • Andrey Likhovitskiy (BLR)
  • Arthur Nabarrete Zanetti (BRA)
  • Sam Oldham (GBR)
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER)
  • Paolo Ottavi (ITA)
  • Yang-Hak Seon (KOR)
  • Igor Pakhomenko (RUS)
  • Claudio Capelli  Pablo Braegger (SUI)
  • Oleg Stepko (UKR)

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