
Teams at Abierto Mexicana de Gimnasia

5:56 PM

The official draw for the pairs at the 2nd Abierto Mexicana de Gimnasia has been completed. The competition which is set to get underway RIGHT NOW! (11th of October, Acapulco local time) with the 1st Copa Juvenil de Gimnasia, gets exciting on the 12th with the first of the two days the All Around competition. Colombian Jessica Gil Ortiz is the lucky gymnast who gets to be paired with 2 different MAG Competitors. 

  • Ana Estefania Lago Serna (MEX) and Oleg Verniaiev (UKR)
  • Alexa Citlali Moreno Medina (MEX) and Sergio Sasaki Junior (BRA)
  • Georgia-Rose Brown (AUS) and David Belyavskiy (RUS)
  • Chiara Gandolfi (ITA) and Anderson Loran (CAN)
  • Marta Pihan-Kulesza (POL) and Luis Alberto Sosa Abarca (MEX) 
  • Yessenia Estrada Martinez (MEX) and Jorge Hugo Giraldo Lopez (COL)
  • Brenna Dowell (USA) and Axel German Elias Jimenez (MEX)
  • Anna Dementyeva (RUS) and Mattia Tamiazzo (ITA)
  • Jessica Gil Ortiz (COL) and Donnell Whittenburg (USA)
  • Jessica Gil Ortiz (COL) and Daniel Purvis (GBR)

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