
Results - Open Massigalia and Massigaliade

10:15 PM

Another results catch up! This time it is the results from the Open Massigalia and the Massigaliade divisions which were held in conjunction with the 2012 Elite Gym Massilia competition which was held on the 17th and 18th in Marseille, France. 

In the Open Massigalia competition, the squad representing the Canadian Federation came up on top with the French Espoir team and the Mixed team consisting of Swedish and French Espoir gymnasts. Canada's Rose-Kalam Woo won the All Around title over her compatriot Shallon Olsen and French Espoir representative Oceane Pause. The Massigaliade saw Gymnasts born in 2001, 2002 and 2003 compete in their respective age divisions to determine the All Around champions for each division. In the 2001 division, Janna Mouffok (Pole Espoir Meaux) won the title over Lea Marques (Hyeres Gymnastique) and Assia Khnifass (Pole Espoir Dijon). Alizee Aicardi (A.S.C.M. Toulon) was the 2002 Champion with Morgane Osyssek (Haguenau) and Camille Caruna (France Pole Espoir Marseille) rounding out the top three. Julia Forestier of Lille Metr JSM won the All Around in the 2003 division with Metz Gym's Sofia Abdullayeva and Pirjo Wolfisbrg (E.G.D.A.A. Publier) finishing out the medals.

  1. Canadian Federation 118.900
  2. France Espoir 109.450
  3. Mixed Team - Sweden and France Espoir 102.200
  4. Canada Gym Fly 100.400
  5. Mixed Team - Marseille and Viagym 98.650
  6. Dijon Pole France Espoir 88.800
  1. Rose-Kalam Woo (CAN) (15.950, 14.900, 16.450, 13.550) 60.850
  2. Shallon Olsen (CAN) (16.550, 10.000, 15.300, 16.200) 58.050
  3. Oceane Pause (FRA Espoir) (15.500, 11.800, 14.300, 13.950) 55.550
  4. Ellen Haavisto (SWE) (13.050, 14.950, 13.450, 12.950) 54.400
  5. Oreane Lechenault (FRA Espoir) (13.150, 10.650, 13.850, 14.100) 51.750
  6. Morgane Detrez (FRA Espoir) (13.300, 11.450, 10.650, 15.150) 50.550
  7. Sydney Alexander (CAN Gym Fly) (12.450, 9.700, 13.950, 13.050) 49.150
  8. Laurie-Lou Vezina (CAN Gym Fly) (11.950, 10.900, 14.200, 11.850) 48.900
  9. Amara Cipollina (Marseille) (12.450, 11.500, 12.350, 11.500) 47.800
  10. Fiona Oke (Marseille) (12.550, 10.600, 11.100, 12.900) 47.150
  11. Romane Geffard (FRA Espoir) (12.000, 10.250, 12.800, 11.800) 46.850
  12. Elly Boudreau (Viagym) (12.400, 8.350, 14.800, 10.250) 45.800
  13. Victoria Jurca (CAN Gym Fly) (13.200, 6.850, 12.550, 12.950) 45.550
  14. Colyne Munsch (FRA Espoir) (11.050, 10.150, 11.150, 12.750) 45.100
  15. Coline Devillard (Dijon Pole France Espoir) (13.550, 5.600, 12.150, 12.950) 44.250
  16. Melissa Poitreau (Dijon Pole France Espoir) (12.450, 8.900, 11.500, 11.250) 44.100
  17. Eva Breney (Dijon Pole France Espoir) (12.350, 5.250, 11.100, 11.700) 40.400
  1. Janna Mouffok (Pole Espoir Meaux) (20.200, 18.550, 21.150, 19.300) 79.200
  2. Lea Marques (Hyeres Gymnastique) (17.767, 18.100, 22.050, 21.000) 78.917
  3. Assia Khnidas (Pole Espoir Dijon) (17.033, 19.250, 19.800, 19.900) 75.983
  4. Chloe Ruiz (Aquitaine) (17.467, 17.400, 20.650, 18.900) 74.417
  5. Eloise Chanut (Pole Espoir Dijon) (17.500, 17.450, 18.200, 19.850) 73.000
  6. Milena Damianthe (A.S.C.M. Toulon) (16.067, 18.350, 19.200, 19.300) 72.917
  7. Tess Cuntz (Haguenau) (16.833, 19.050, 18.800, 17.650) 72.333
  8. Stella Giglione (France Pole Espoir Marseille) (17.233, 18.350, 18.300, 18.250) 72.133
  9. Chloe Taisne (Pole Espoir Meaux) (16.400, 19.800, 18.600, 17.050) 71.850
  10. Maeva Chenaye (Pole Espoir Dijon) (17.533, 14.100, 20.900, 18.200) 70.733
  11. Aline Durand (Pole Espoir Meaux) (19.500, 17.500, 15.450, 18.150) 70.600
  12. Romane Fontaine (Pole Espoir Dijon) (17.233, 16.500, 18.250, 18.600) 70.583
  13. Elina Giallurachis (France Pole Espoir Marseille) (17.233, 16.850, 18.250, 17.600) 69.933
  14. Monica Palumbo (Canada Viagym Terrebon) (17.300, 16.500, 17.650, 17.500) 68.950
  15. Anne-Pier Theriault (Canada Viagym Terrebon) (17.133, 16.300, 17.850, 16.800) 68.083
  16. Carla Rodrigues (Aquitaine) (17.000, 11.900, 16.300, 16.400) 61.600
  1. Alizee Aicardi (A.S.C.M. Toulon) (17.367, 16.100, 19.850, 18.550) 71.867
  2. Morgane Osyssek (Haguenau) (17.500, 17.200, 18.450, 17.650) 70.800
  3. Camille Caruna (France Pole Espoir Marseille) (16.533, 16.150, 18.650, 18.100) 69.433
  4. Sheyen Petit (Draguignan) (16.067, 16.300, 18.350, 17.600) 68.317
  5. Clara Gandrey (Pole Espoir Dijon) (16.600, 16.500, 16.350, 18.150) 67.600
  6. Ines Ben Rouma (France Pole Espoir Marseille) (17.133, 15.650, 17.550, 16.400) 66.733
  7. Zeynep Kizilay (Aquitaine) (17.200, 16.850, 15.500, 16.950) 66.500
  8. Alisson Truchard (Gym Pays D Aix France) (17.167, 15.000, 16.600, 17.300) 66.067
  9. Marina Phemius (Combs La Ville) (16.967, 15.850, 16.100, 17.100) 66.017
  10. Clementine Curie (UG Aix Les Bains) (16.100, 16.200, 15.900, 16.900) 65.100
  11. Pauline Grac (Cavigal Nice) (16.500, 14.750, 16.550, 15.800) 63.600
  12. Laura Remous (Draguignan) (16.433, 15.100, 14.500, 17.200) 63.233
  13. Lucie Dietrich (France Site Avenir Marseille) (15.333, 14.500, 15.750, 16.800) 62.383
  14. Claudia Popescu (Cavigal Nice) (16.667, 15.650, 14.850, 14.200) 61.367
  15. Inaya Bourra (France Site Avenir Marseille) (15.967, 14.600, 13.700, 15.950) 60.217
  16. Laurine Bordat (Aquitaine) (15.667, 13.750, 12.550, 15.800) 57.767
  17. Alicia Guidarini (France Site Avenir Marseille) (15.467, 12.500, 13.750, 12.750) 54.467
  18. Jade Cimoradsky (Combs La Ville) (15.633, 15.750, 16.350, 0.000) 47.733
  19. Alicia Clain (Cavigal Nice) (0.000, 16.100, 15.350, 0.000) 31.450
  1. Julia Forestier (Lille Metr JSM) (17.600, 16.100, 16.900, 18.200) 68.800
  2. Sofia Abdullayeva (Metz Gym) (17.167, 12.950, 17.600, 17.600) 65.317
  3. Pirjo Wolfisberg (E.D.G.A.A.Publier) (17.000, 15.800, 15.650, 16.700) 65.150
  4. July Paisin (Henin Beaumont) (16.933, 15.650, 15.350, 17.100) 65.033
  5. Mathilde Bithorel (Haguenau) (15.500, 14.100, 17.050, 17.200) 63.850
  6. Louna Dozon (Gym Pays D Aix France) (15.700, 14.350, 14.650, 16.300) 61.000
  7. Axelle Wolf (Haguenau) (15.400, 10.800, 17.200, 17.350) 60.750
  8. Juliette Ferandel (Schiltigheim) (14.633, 14.900, 14.800, 16.000) 60.333
  9. Alice Lesaffre (Dunkerque Gym France) (16.733, 14.350, 14.700, 13.950) 59.733
  10. Emilie Poras (Dunkerque Gym France) (15.800, 13.600, 14.450, 15.000) 58.850
  11. Luna Sisco (Egie Istres) (15.767, 14.000, 15.150, 13.900) 58.817
  12. Ines Alves (A.S.C.M. Toulon) (15.900, 12.800, 15.600, 14.000) 58.300
  13. Lylia Menasria (Gym Pays D Aix France) (14.767, 13.600, 14.050, 15.800) 58.217
  14. Marine Barbelet (Gym Paris 15) (15.133, 13.550, 14.950, 14.200) 57.833
  15. Florence Nang (U.S.J.A. Carquefou) (15.633, 13.100, 13.950, 14.800) 57.483
  16. Rita Garma (Pole Espoir Meaux) (15.200, 13.350, 12.000, 15.950) 56.500
  17. Lyn Lauze (France Site Avenir Marseille) (15.067, 11.300, 15.650, 14.350) 56.367
  18. Josephine Amouraben (Blagnac) (15.700, 12.450, 12.650, 15.350) 56.150
  19. Aglae Adam Cuvilier (Melun) (15.733, 11.350, 13.500, 14.850) 55.433
  20. Hermione Gateau (Haguenau) (14.967, 11.850, 15.350, 13.000) 55.167
  21. Marine Chicanne (Alliance Sens Gym) (15.400, 11.100, 12.900, 15.650) 55.050
  22. Lena Tamion (NR Gym Elboeuf) (15.133, 13.600, 12.350, 13.550) 54.633
  23. Charline Denys (Dunkerque Gym France) (15.967, 10.400, 11.950, 15.800) 54.117
  24. Dakota Filhol (E.G. Rouen) (16.100, 12.900, 9.500, 15.200) 53.700
  25. Sarah Seggiaro (Carvigal Nice) (15.233, 12.750, 11.550, 12.950) 52.483
  26. Juliette Pasquiou (U.S.J.A. Carquefou) (15.267, 13.450, 9.750, 13.950) 52.417
  27. Marie Doussinault (U.G. Boissy St-Antoine) (14.767, 12.450, 13.750, 10.950) 51.917
  28. Ines De Falco (Egie Istres) (14.567, 9.750, 13.700, 13.300) 51.317
  29. Rose-May Jourdan (Egie Istres) (15.600, 12.400, 12.000, 11.200) 51.200
  30. Assia Khadraoui (C G St Giniez Mlle) (14.833, 9.550, 13.000, 12.650) 50.033
  31. Camille Desfours (A.S.C.M. Toulon) (14.967, 10.500, 12.200, 10.850) 48.517

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