
Seitz, Hambuechen Recapture Swiss Cup Honors

9:39 PM

The German pairing of Elisabeth Seitz and Fabian Hambuechen were triumphant at the 30th Swiss Cup which was held at on the 4th of November. Whilst hometown favorites Giulia Steingruber and Claudio Capelli narrowly holding on in the final round for second place. The second German team of Kim Bui and Marcel Nguyen finished third. As the format goes, after the first two rounds the two lowest scorers teams were eliminated with the top eight moving onto the Semi-Final. During the Semi Final, each member competes on another apparatus with their totals then being combined so that the top four teams move onto the final round where each member of the pair competes on another event (this time they are able to chose an apparatus they have already competed on) with the scores added to determine the winners. Poor Niamh Rippin had a bad day on the Floor Exercise crashing three of her four tumbling lines. Videos can be seen at RodolfoCrazyBrasil's Youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/rodolfocrazybrasil/videos?view=0. Thanks so much for uploading!!

  1. Elisabeth Seitz/Fabian Hambuechen (GER): 30.200 (Seitz - UB 14.350; Hambuechen - HB 15.850)
  2. Giulia Steingruber/Claudio Capelli (SUI): 29.650 (Steingruber - VT 14.600; Capelli - PB 15.050)
  3. Kim Bui/Marcel Nguyen (GER): 29.550 (Bui - UB 14.600; Nguyen - PB 14.950)
  4. Nastassia Marachkouskaya/Andrey Likhovitskiy (BLR): 27.850 (Marachkouskaya - VT 13.200; Likhovitskiy - PB 14.650)
  1. Kim Bui/Marcel Nguyen (GER) 88.450 (Bui - UB 14.550/VT 14.050/FX 13.600; Nguyen - SR 14.900/PB 15.650/VT 15.700)
  2. Giulia Steingruber/Claudio Capelli (SUI) 87.025 (Steingruber - UB 13.550/VT 14.825/FX 13.900; Capelli - VT 15.500/PB 14.600/FX 14.650) 
  3. Elisabeth Seitz/Fabian Hambuechen (GER) 86.550 (Seitz - UB 14.550/FX 13.750/BB 13.950; Hambuechen - SR 14.500/HB 15.100/FX 14.700)
  4. Nastassia Marachkouskaya/Andrey Likhovitskiy (BLR) 84.350 (Marachkouskaya - BB 12.600/VT 13.950/FX 13.000; Likhovitskiy - VT 15.300/PB 14.500/PH 15.000)
  5. Sung Ji Hye/Yang Hak Seon (KOR) 83.975 (Sung - FX 11.000/VT 13.750/PB 14.350; Yang - VT 16.475/SR 14.450/FX 13.950)
  6. Jessica Diacci/Nils Haller (SUI) 81.150 (Diacci - UB 13.150/BB 13.800/FX 12.000; Haller - SR 14.550/PB 14.800/HB 12.850)
  7. Carlotta Ferlito/Paolo Ottavi (ITA) 80.500 (Ferlito - BB 12.400/VT 11.700/FX 13.350; Ottavi - VT 14.750/SR 14.800/HB 13.500)
  8. Yulia Belokobylskaya/Igor Pakhomenko (RUS) 80.225 (Belokobylskaya - BB 13.200/VT 12.875/FX 11.300; Pakhomenko - FX 14.150/HB 14.200/PH 14.500)
  • 9TH: Mariya Livchikova/Oleg Stepko (UKR) 53.100 (Livchikova - FX 12.950/UB 12.400; Stepko - SR 13.850/PB 13.900)
  • 10TH: Niamh Rippin/Sam Oldham (GBR): 52.225 (Rippin - FX 9.350/VT 13.200; Oldham - VT 14.875/HB 14.800) 

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