
Italian Group, Belarussian Staniouta take All Around honors at Pesaro World Cup

7:00 AM

The Italian Group took out the All Around Groups title at the 2013 Pesaro FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup Event. Italy top scored with the 3 Balls/2 Ribbons and with the 5 Clubs to take out the honors over Bulgaria and Ukraine. Belarussian Melitina Staniouta high scored with both the Clubs and Ribbon on the way to taking out the World Cup Senior Individual All Around title. Russian Maria Titova finished second with her compatriot Daria Svatkovskaya finishing in third despite earning top marks with the Hoop and Ball. 

  1. Italy (17.800, 17.250) 35.050
  2. Bulgaria (17.233, 16.767) 34.000
  3. Ukraine (16.300, 16.800) 33.100
  4. France (16.233, 15.783) 32.016
  5. Switzerland (16.067, 15.900) 31.967
  6. Azerbaijan (16.300, 15.150) 31.450
  7. Germany (15.950, 15.200) 31.150
  8. Finland (15.083, 15.867) 30.950
  9. Belarus (15.117, 15.767) 30.884
  10. United States of America (14.717, 14.733) 29.450
  11. Portugal (13.733, 14.700) 28.433
  12. Japan (12.683, 13.933) 26.616
  13. Uzbekistan (14.783, 10.900) 25.683
  1. Melitina Staniouta (BLR) (17.850, 18.050, 16.933, 17.683) 70.516
  2. Maria Titova (RUS) (17.750, 17.917, 17.633, 17.150) 70.450
  3. Daria Svatkovskaya (RUS) (18.067, 17.783, 17.950, 16.250) 70.050
  4. Neta Rivkin (ISR) (17.317, 17.567, 17.550, 17.450) 69.884
  5. Katsiaryna Halkina (BLR) (17.467, 17.567, 17.300, 17.233) 69.567
  6. Ganna Rizatdinova (UKR) (17.750, 17.850, 16.933, 17.017) 69.550
  7. Marina Durunda (AZE) (17.283, 17.533, 17.183, 17.350) 69.349
  8. Alina Maksymenko (UKR) (17.517, 15.900, 17.267, 17.517) 68.201
  9. Son Yeon Jae (KOR) (16.650, 17.600, 16.217, 17.233) 67.700
  10. Varvara Filiou (GRE) (16.717, 17.233, 16.567, 16.900) 67.417
  11. Caroline Weber (AUT) (16.783, 17.017, 16.717, 16.900) 67.417
  12. Lala Yusifova (AZE) (17.050, 17.050, 16.300, 16.350) 66.750
  13. Jana Berezko-Marggrander (GER) (16.450, 17.050, 16.300, 16.850) 66.650
  14. Victoria Veinberg Filanovski (ISR) (16.633, 16.850, 16.500, 16.067) 66.050
  15. Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) (16.433, 16.700, 16.183, 16.550) 65.866
  16. Mariya Mateva (BUL) (15.833, 16.217, 16.517, 16.183) 64.800
  17. Jouki Tikkanen (FIN) (16.150, 16.500, 16.200, 15.767) 64.617
  18. Alexandra Piscupescu (ROU) (16.900, 15.067, 15.867, 16.783) 64.617
  19. Nicol Ruprecht (AUT) (16.233, 15.850, 16.333, 15.750) 64.166
  20. Federica Febbo (ITA) (16.100, 16.150, 15.633, 15.783) 63.666
  21. Jasmine Kerber (USA) (16.533, 16.600, 15.800, 14.683) 63.616
  22. Kristina Tasheva (BUL) (15.500, 16.000, 15.967, 15.983) 63.450
  23. Wong Poh San (MAS) (15.783, 15.767, 15.633, 15.867) 63.050
  24. Veronica Bertolini (ITA) (14.717, 16.667, 15.100, 16.533) 63.017
  25. Cindy Lu (USA) (15.900, 16.033, 15.883, 15.167) 62.983
  26. Aliya Assimova (KAZ) (15.600, 15.800, 15.867, 15.367) 62.634
  27. Karina Jerogina (EST) (15.617, 16.400, 14.633, 15.317) 61.967
  28. Medea Gathenadze (GEO) (15.283, 15.900, 15.350, 15.233) 61.766
  29. Dora Vass (HUN) (14.833, 15.700, 16.550, 14.517) 61.600
  30. HORS CONCOURS: Alessia Russo (ITA) (15.800, 15.883, 15.183, 14.700) 61.566
  31. Sakura Hayakawa (JPN) (14.867, 15.167, 15.900, 15.083) 61.017
  32. Sara Kragulj (SLO) (15.083, 15.450, 15.100, 15.300) 60.933
  33. HORS CONCOURS: Giulia Di Luca (ITA) (15.800, 15.617, 13.767, 15.733) 60.917
  34. Valeriya Davidova (UZB) (15.633, 15.683, 13.200, 16.033) 60.549
  35. Darja Sajfutdinova (GER) (14.817, 15.417, 14.733, 14.767) 59.734
  36. Kaho Minagawa (JPN) (15.667, 12.633, 15.983, 15.333) 59.616
  37. Song-E Chun (KOR) (14.700, 14.817, 15.033, 15.017) 59.567
  38. Ekin Guler (TUR) (15.550, 14.800, 14.733, 14.400) 59.483
  39. Amy Kwan Dict Weng (MAS) (15.350, 15.167, 14.933, 13.967) 59.417
  40. Anna Czarniecka (POL) (13.600, 15.767, 15.050, 14.717) 59.134
  41. Veronika Hegrova (CZE) (14.567, 15.283, 14.733, 14.233) 58.816
  42. Lucille Chalopin (FRA) (13.717, 15.283, 14.933, 14.683) 58.616
  43. Ambre Chaboud (FRA) (13.733, 15.167, 14.867, 14.767) 58.534
  44. Maftuna Shamsieva (UZB) (12.933, 15.450, 15.100, 14.700) 58.183
  45. Maja Majerowska (POL) (14.333, 15.233, 14.683, 13.900) 58.149
  46. Carolina Coelho (POR) (15.050, 14.500, 13.167, 15.067) 57.784
  47. Yekaterina Skorikova (KAZ) (14.500, 13.800, 14.250, 15.000) 57.550
  48. Adriana Cecilia Teocan (ROU) (14.600, 14.850, 14.617, 13.467) 57.534
  49. Kyriaki Alevrogianni (GRE) (13.233, 14.167, 14.600, 14.633) 56.633
  50. Mirjana Sekovanic (CRO) (14.000, 14.050, 14.600, 13.633) 56.283
  51. Angelica Kvieczynski (BRA) (13.700, 14.367, 13.883, 13.633) 55.583
  52. Danielle Prince (AUS) (12.417, 14.633, 14.183, 13.650) 54.883
  53. Emilie Holte (NOR) (12.617, 13.633, 12.917, 13.083) 52.250
  54. Elisa Cavalli (SMR) (12.800, 11.583, 12.683, 12.750) 49.816
  55. Amelia Coleman (NZL) (9.883, 13.117, 12.200, 12.867) 48.067
  56. Jennifer Pettersson (SWE) (14.767, 0.000, 14.317, 0.000) 29.084

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