
USA WAG Olympic Trials

8:18 PM

I'm known as an early bird so it came as no surprise to anyone that I was up and about at 5.30am our time here in Western Australia. Come 6am I was frantically refreshing my browser for the quick hits, scores and news from the US Olympic Trials. Yes, I am one highly dedicated gym fan! The dogs were going mental for the breakfast, but you get that. The result was to be expected - Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin are on their way to Beijing (as if there was ever any doubt)! 10 other Olympic hopefuls have been selected to attend Trials:

Now I managed to find coverage of the announcement of who was going onto the selection camp. Basically Kathy Kelly from USA Gymnastics played a sort of "Duck, Duck Goose" tapping those girls who had made it to the next and final phase. The word disgraceful comes to mind. She's telling these girls that their dreams are over - and they are basically pushed aside and told "you're not going". Show a bit of compassion. To be fair she probably didn't realise NBC was filming, but still.

Chellsie Memmel looks good, and to prove it she even bet Nastia's AA score on the final day of competition. However I'm hoping Nastia does a Carly Patterson and really peaks in Beijing. I felt really sad for her during some of the footage today. She's a definite favourite of mine and she's looking good and may even challenge for a spot in the AA at the Olympics - prelims shall be very interesting. Jana Bieger also looked fantastic out there this weekend - I think I love most of the girls from the USA - yes I have way too many idols! Tim Daggett was saying that there needs to be one female coach on the floor at the Olympics, which is bizarre and I don't remember knowing this before today, however I shall look at the Olympic coverage I have around here and see what I notice. Disappointing for Shayla, but here's hoping she absolutely rocks at Selection Camp. I felt so bad for poor Bridget on floor but am happy she's off to Camp. I LOVE Mattie's floor - like many others it was a total highlight for me. Nastia's was too - she's showing her critics that she's still a fantastic floor worker. Unfortunate about Day 2's bar routine, and I would love to see a different dismount. Am a huge fan of Ivana's floor. Alicia Sacramone is going to the Olympics, in my opinion, we all know that and I say just announce it already! I am sure I could write a heap more, but hey I have a whole blog to take up!!

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