
New Layout Ja?

9:26 PM

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen..... ChimGym has undergone a makeover. One in which I think makes it look brighter and fresher. I hope you all agree. A heads up that in a couple of weeks I do hope to change the blog's URL to something which reflects the new title! But I will let you know a week in advance so you will all know where to find me.

This cold weather has blessed me with Glandular Fever... very icky business and I apologise for the horrid formatting you can see in my recent posts. It has been because I have started it and then unfortunately had to give into some tiredness. It won't happen again!

In better news I had a busy couple of months coming up! I plan to be present at the Western Australian Winter Championships and at the WAG Australian National Championships come July, and also plan to attend some of the Rhythmic sessions, or at least plan to send my fellow gym mad sister Talitha, if I can't!! Also I will competing with a good friend at the Kathmandu Urban Max Adventure Adventure on June the 4th for a part Amazing Race/Scavenger Hunt around the Perth CBD and surrounding suburbs, am extremely pumped for the competition, but mostly it's all about having a great time! Add to that some session post grad work and wow it seems I will be very busy, but I won't forget about my loyal readers... I am going to keep as tight as a schedule needs to be so that I can still have my blogger time!!

Anyways Fellow Gymnites,

Blog Ya Later!


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