
Review: MIOBI Season Finale

1:18 AM

Aww what a beautiful episode.

Can say I most definitely needed the tissues for this episode.

So the future of Make It Or Break It according to tv.com is still on the bubble... but I am certain it will return. We need to see the return and the hopeful reconciliation of Emily's (Chelsea Hobbs) relationship with Damon (Johnny Pacar) and how they are doing in their "Happily Ever After" and I want to see my girlies through to 2012! Maybe Emily could stage a successful comeback for the Olympics.... prove Sasha wrong, after all he believes that no gymnast that has a baby can triumphantly return to elite. Now I'm thinking Belov say what? Think Dutchwoman Suzanne Harmes, German superstar Oksana Chusovitina, one of the great Soviets Larissa Latynina and Cuban gymnast Leyanet Gonzalez who have all experiencd motherhood during their respective careers. And plus I want to explore this Austaylie and Paymax relationships further! Yep I am a sentimental!

So USA won Gold! Not without the struggles and a poor qualification round. So Kaylie (Josie Loren), Payson (Ayla Kell), Lauren Tanner (Cassie Scherbo) and my personal favourite Kelly Parker (Nicole Anderson) get locked in a room and get told to sort their differences out because it's all about being a team so that they can rock the final! Which of course they do! Now I won't go into the specifics about the team dramas, but I will say: Lauren shows why she is the Queen of the Beam after a heartfelt pep speech from Sasha Belov (Neil Jackson), next up is Vault and Payson goes before "specialist" Kaylie and on the first vault injures her ankle, and knowing what her family is sacrificing for her performs a superb second vault landing on one foot! Kelly performs a flawless bars set with the encouragement of her team mates, and when it comes to being told she's the replacement for Payson on floor kindly relinquishes the spot to Team Captain Kaylie who rocks the exercise earning the gold for the team. Great episode which I give a 5/5.

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