
Reflections on John Orozco

7:58 PM

The Chappaqua Daily Voice Online website has a spectacular feature with Jason Hebert, the director and head coach of World Cup Gymnastics in Chappaqua, the former gymnastics home of John Orozco. Check out the full article here. Some tidbits from the article, which is really a reflection on Orozco and just how talented and focused he really is. 

Jason Hebert, head coach and director at World Cup Gymnastics, worked closely with Orozco as his primary coach in the gymnast’s last three years at the gym. Hebert realized Orozco’s potential as he watched him mature at the gym and as he worked with him individually.
“We knew that John had the ability to be if not the best American gymnast, at least in the top two,” Hebert said.
The two men’s working relationship came to an end when Orozco tore his Achilles in Aug. 2010. He then moved to an Olympic Training Center in Dec. 2010 where he went through rehab for four months.
“It was a really sad, sad day, a very terrible way for us to end our career together because we already had plans of him moving on to the Olympic Training Center even before his injury,” Hebert said.
“He’s used to performing at his best under pressure,” Hebert said. “The highest level meets, he always performs his best.”
Matt Maucione coaches a girls team at World Cup and was Orozco’s teammate at the gym. The 25-year-old cited Orozco’s work ethic as the reason for his amazing success.
“While other gymnasts would be kind of slacking off or fooling around in the gym, John was always really, really focused and he always had his goal in his sights,” Maucione said. “It was very, very easy for other kids to do it for the fun aspect of it but John was always really, really serious.”

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