
Quick Hits - Men's All Around Final

7:30 PM



  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (FX) - Double piked arabian to jump, Solid routine
  • Jimmy Verbaeys (BEL) (VT) - Yurchenko double twist, low in landing
  • John Orozco (USA) (FX) - Lovely flairs series, Punch front 1 3/4, Russians. Solid!
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (PH) - Nice start
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (FX) - Nice routine!
  • Roman Kulesza (POL) (VT) - Fall on half on double twist off.
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (FX) - OOB on double twist in double pike out, OOB again, short on triple twist
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (FX) - Double twisting double straight, double straight! Lovely!
  • Claudio Capelli (SUI) (SR) - Double double dismount.
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (FX) - Okay routine for him
  • Javier Gomez Fuertes (ESP) (VT) - Low and hands down or half on double twist off
  • John Orozco (USA) (PH) - Almost sits on the pommel horse, has to fight to press to his final handstand
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (SR) - Great control of the rings, double double dismount
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (PH) - Awesome routine - stuck!
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (VT) - Massive half on double twist off.
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (PH) - Lovely swing, leg bend through one part of the routine
  • Soo Myun Kim (KOR) (PB) - Leg separation, double back from upper arm, has to fight to get into handstand
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (PH) - Circling slightly off centre, had to fight to get into handstand at the end
  • Enrico Pozzo (ITA) (PB) - Short on handstand, Inside Diamandov. Clean routine.
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (PH) - Slightly off center on his final handstand
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (PH) - And the crowd goes silent.Legs dipping below the pommel horse. Solid routine.
  • Joshua Jefferis (AUS) (PB) - double tuck, Suarez. Lovely routine!!
  • Cyril Tommasone (FRA) (VT) - Nice vault!
  • Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) (VT) - Handspring double front half out - sky high!
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) (VT) - Deep squat and jump to the side. 2.5 twist
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (VT) - Step to the side. Nice vault however!
  • Soo Myun Kim (KOR) (HB) - Full twisting Kovacs. Nicely executed routine.
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (SR) - Doesn't held L-Cross for long enough, Picks up a bit of swing, solid dismount.
  • Enrico Pozzo (ITA) (HB) - A bit of leg separation and form breaks through his routine, off direction but maintains swing. 
  • Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) (PB) - Lovely and fluid routine, bit of a hand shuffle.
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (SR) - Planche slightly piked, picks up some swing. Solid routine!
  • John Orozco (USA) (SR) - 1.5 twisting double back dismount. Lovely routine!
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (PB) - Problems with double tuck, double pike dismount.
  • Javier Gomez Fuertes (ESP) (PB) - Step forward on the dismount, but a lovely routine.
  • Soo Myun Kim (KOR) (FX) - Short on first tumbling pass, OOB, falls on the final pass.
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (VT) - Half on double twist off. Nice.
  • Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) (HB) - Clean routine, slight hop on the dismount
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (VT) - Couple of steps backwards and falls
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (PB) - Giant full, full in back out dismount. Lovely routine.
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (HB) - Stoop half to stretched tkatchev, Kolman, Stops midswing, good fight  to get back on track. Stuck dismount. 
  • Sergio Sasaki Junior (BRA) (PB) - Front somersault straddle. Solid routine!
  • Daniel Purvis (GBR) (PB) - Unable to shift weight to other side and has to jump off, Diamandov, strong finish to the routine.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (PB) - Giant to double, Suarez, Front somi, stuck dismount! Such a good routine!
  • Goes and shakes hands with the other members of his group
  • Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) (FX) - OOB and loses control on one of his passes. Triple twist to finish. 
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (HB) - Yamawaki, Stretched Kovacs, Stuck dismount! AWESOME!
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (PB) - Awesome routine, hop on dismount.
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (FX) - Solid routine until a low landing/extreme squat on second last past
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (PB) - Missed mount. Front straddle salto - sky high, small leg separation, double front dismount
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (PB) - Straddle front, stuck dismount. But seemed to find the routine a bit labored. 
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (HB) - Stretched Tkatchev, Layout full twist,, 1.5 to L-Grip, stoop full, fight on the landing but it's stuck!
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (PB) - Double back to one arm, smooth Tippelt, solid routine and nice dismount
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (PB) - Peach mount, Bhavsar, Double pike dismount. Great routine!
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (HB) - Kolman - catches close to the bar, layout Jaeger, stretched Tkatchev, Full twisting double layout dismount
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (PH) - Comes off the horse. Yusuke looks devastated for him, whilst the Ukrainians look slightly amused? Maybe they are just happy to be there! Strong finish. Looks dejected.
  • John Orozco (USA) (HB) - Liukin, Rybalko, Tak full to Tkatchev half, Very dynamic, Full twisting double layout - lands it taking one step.
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (HB) - Kolman, stretched Tkatchev, lands short of the bar and falls. Don't get to see the rest of the routine.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (FX) - Look of determination. 3.5 to punch front half, 1.5 to Randi hands down, Hop back on triple twist. He looks happy. Keeps looking at the score board. Everyone is queueing to congratulate him
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (HB) - Well executed routine.
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) (FX) - Seems a bit low on the landings. Love his flairs sequence. 
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (HB) - Solid routine!! He looks ecstatic!
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (FX) - Layout double double, Front double full to front tuck full, 2.5 to front half, Full in tuck. Hop back. 
  • What a celebration from the Germans. Oh Kohei and his coach are so sweet in their celebrations. 

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