
Quick Hits - Women's All Around Final

10:30 PM



  • Vanessa Ferrari's leotard actually doesn't look that bad.
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (VT) - Amanar - slight directional issue
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (VT) - Amanar - hop forward
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (UB) - Piked Jaeger, pak salto, Double layout.
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (VT) - Amanar - stepped OOB. 
  • Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) (VT) - DTY - Bent knees and slightly off direction
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (VT) - Nice DTY. Coach looks pleased
  • Rebecca Tunney (GBR) (BB) - Shaky on the full turn. Seems a bit wobbly throughout the routine
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (FX) - Lovely DTY
  • Carlotta Ferlito (ITA) (BB) - Lovely beam worker, balance check on her turn combination, 2.5 twist dismount
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (UB) - Clear hip full, short on couple of handstands, step on dismount
  • Rie Tanaka (JPN) (FX) - OOB on first pass, step to the side on the second pass, double pike dismount. She has such gorgeous leaps
  • Marta Pihan-Kulesza (POL) (FX) - Front full to step out, Arabian double front to a split jump, lovely choreography, love the ending of the routine.
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (UB) - Def - slight leg separation, solid routine.
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (BB) - Flip tuck full with a major balance check, double turn, Front kick over back tuck combination, round off flip triple twist
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (UB) - Aww Mihai and Liang both prepping the bars. Late on toe on full, Jaeger, leg separation on full pirouette, nice dismount
  • Ashleigh Brennan (AUS) (VT) - Tsuk 1.5 - short on landing and sits down
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (UB) - Stoop half, layout Jaeger, giant half, lovely routine with a nice double double dismount. 
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (BB) - Front somi, double turn slight bobble, two steps back on the double pike dismount
  • Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) (UB) - Ono to Jaeger, Full twisting double dismount to the side. Solid routine for her.
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (UB) - Tkatchev, short on handstand, Jaeger, Full twisting double layout dismount
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (BB) - Full turn with leg up, 2.5 twist dismount. A number of balance checks throughout but a nice routine
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (UB) - Lovely routine! 
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (BB) - Front tuck, front aerial, hesitates before flip pike, sheep jump, bobble on the landing of her switch ring, lovely double pike dismount
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (UB) - Phenomenal routine!! She looks so unfazed. Big smile. Komova looks a bit worried.
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (FX) - Love this floor music. What a roar from the crowd. Whip to triple - short, 1.5 to 2.5 to stag, crowd clapping along, double back to straddle, lovely choreography, nice dismount
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (BB) - Comes into the routine halfway. Lovely on the dismount.
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (BB) - Full turn with leg up, sheep jump combo, flip layout, standing arabian, punch front, balance check, side somi, change leg leap, back handspring, back handspring, Patterson dismount. Lovely routine. 
  • Elisabeth Seitz (GER) (FX) - Full in tuck - OOB, triple turn, double pike, double tuck. Interesting music. 
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (VT) - Eeek on the DTY, crashes it.
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (BB) - Punch front, Korbut flip, switch ring, side somi, sheep jump, back handspring, back handspring double pike - very nice routine.
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (BB) - Double turn, standing arabian - off the beam, wobble on switch ring, Onodi, switch half, backwards wobble on steps back, step on double tuck dismount
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (BB) - SOLID!! A couple of bobbles throughout. Ohh Komova looks pissed. 
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (FX) - Full in pike, steps back, full in tuck to back tuck, lovely leaps, whip whip triple, lovely double turn, double tuck to finish. 
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (BB) - punch front, front pike, huge wobble and grabs the beam, side aerial, full turn leg up with another balance check, step on Patterson dismount.
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (FX) - Saw her salute and did not get to see the routine
  • Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) (FX) - Double double, full in back out to back tuck, 1.5 to front layout full, double pike to finish. Lovely choreography.
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (VT) - Mustafina - solid
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (FX) - Whip, whip 2.5, full in tuck, double turn with leg up, woah that second last past was a little scary, low in the double pike, two steps forward
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (VT) - DTY, small hop
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (FX) - Double arabian, 2.5 Front full, love this routine! double tuck with hop ack, triple twist, step back on the landing
  • Russians are going crazy in the stand!
  • Aww nice smile from HUANG Qiushuang
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (FX) - SENSATIONAL! 
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (FX) -SENSATIONAL!
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (FX) - PHENOMENAL!
  • Douglas is waiting patiently. No celebrations yet. It's scoreboard watching time. Vika is devastated. Gabby waves to the crowd. Ohh poor Aly :( 

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