
Quick Hits - Men's Qualification

7:34 PM


From the Foxtel coverage with Commentators Liz Chetkovich and Mark Readings.


  • The 'Father of Gymnastics' - Kohei Uchimura, sheesh he is not that old! Silly Eddie McGuire and that guy alongside of him. 
  • Love being able to catch the end of the displays! Thanks Foxtel.
  • ZOU Kai (CHN) (VT) - Tsuk 2.5 lands to the side and steps OOB. 
  • Epke Zonderland (NED) (HB) - Cassina to Kovacs, Rybalko, Stalder Rybalko, Gaylord II, Double double dismount. 
  • Soo Myun Kim (KOR) (PH) - Hands are shaking like crazy when going up to a handstand. Stuck dismount. Solid routine.
  • GUO Weiyang (CHN) (VT) - Tsuk double, low in the landing.
  • Hamilton Sabot (FRA) (PB) - Lovely lines, stuck double pike dismount.
  • Mohamed Sherif El Saharty (EGY) (FX) - Front double full to front layout half, little crooked in back handspring, Uncontrolled 2.5 twist to finish. 
  • ZHANG Chenglong (CHN) (VT) - Tsuk triple, leg form not the best in the air.
  • Kieran Behan (IRL) (FX) - Double double tucked, Front double full to front half, 2.5 to front tuck full - low in the landing and looked a tad scary.
  • Shakir Shikhaliyev (AZE) (FX) - Front double full to front tuck full, looks very determined, Full in back out.
  • Max Whitlock (GBR) (VT) - Yurchenko 2.5. Lovely. Coach looks happy.
  • Daniel Purvis (GBR) (VT) - Yurcheno 2.5, Very nice vault just a hop forward.
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (VT) - Yurchenko double pike - Big step backwards on the landing! Second vault - handspring double front - deep squat on the landing.
  • Seungil Kim (KOR) (SR) - Maltese to Cross, smooth swing to handstand, bent arm press to handstand, fall on full twisting double.
  • ZHANG Chenglong (CHN) (PB) - Lovely swing, Slight hand overbalance, double pike dismount
  • FENG Zhe (CHN) (PB) - double pike between the bars, full pirouette, lovely routine
  • Yann Cucherat (FRA) (HB) - Considering move to politics after gymnastics, Stalder 1.5 to L-Grip,  just lands on his feet on the dismount.
  • GUO Weiyang (CHN) (PB) - Double pike to giant, double pike dismount landed to his knees.
  • Missed out on Claudio Capelli's routine on the Floor but thy give the score.
  • Gael da Silva (FRA) (HB) - Lovely routine.
  • Seungil Kim (KOR) (VT) - Yurchenko stretched Double twist, fall with hands down. Looks to be injured. So much tape.
  • Hee Hoon Kim (KOR) (VT) - Lovely 2.5 twist Yurchenko, just a hop on the landing.
  • GUO Weiyang (CHN) (HB) - Layout tkatchev to mixed grip, straddle tkatchev to mixed grip, double twisting double layout - low on the landing. 
  • Gael da Silva (FRA) (FX) - Arabian double layout, 2.5 to front tuck full, full in back out. Sooo happy!
  • Yang Hak Seon (KOR) (VT) - Lovely vault - 2.5 twist, small landing deduction however, fantastic second vault. 
  • ZOU Kai (CHN) (HB) - Layout tkatchev, lovely combinations through routine, Endo, Stoop full, step back on double double dismount.
  • ZHANG Chenglong (CHN) (HB) - Fantastic routine!!!
  • Kieran Behan (IRL) (VT) - Sits down Yurchenko 1.5. Looks dejected.
  • Hee Hoon Kim (KOR) (PB) - Has some strength issues, double pike dismount.
  • Yang Hak Seon (KOR) (PB) - A few body adjustments throughout the routine, comes off, struggled to get into handstands smoothly.
  • Cyril Tommasone (FRA) (PH) - Fantastic routine!!
  • ZHANG Chenglong (CHN) (FX) - Randi side pass, front double full to Rudi, Whip arabian one and three quarters, triple twist, piked down and step back.
  • Tommy Ramos (PUR) (SR) - swing through to Maltese, lovely planche, Inverted cross, swing to inverted cross, lovely routine!
  • ZOU Kai (CHN) (FX) - Double double to finish, solid routine!
  • Mohamed Sherif El Saharty (EGY) - Lovely vaults (Rudi, DTY) - such a big smile.
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (HB) - High layout Tkatchev, Straddle Tkatchev, 1.5 twist L-Grip, Tkatchev to mixed grip, stuck full twisting double layout.
  • Max Whitlock (GBR) (FX) - 3.5 Twist front full, 2.5 twist, Arabian 1 3/4, Lovely flairs and airflares, Finishes with a lovely triple twist.
  • Shakir Shikhaliyev (AZE) (VT) - Clean vault
  • GUO Weiyang (CHN) (PH) - Sits on the Horse about two thirds of the way through. Not long before dismount.
  • Daniel Purvis (GBR) (FX) - Front double pike, 1.5 to front double full, Handspring double front. Solid routine.
  • Pierre Yves Beny (FRA) (SR) - Swing to Maltese, Planche down to Maltese, Huge step back off the mat on the dismount.
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (FX) - Arabian double pike to stag, Arabian 1 3/4 roll out, Arabian double tuck to finish.
  • Cyril Tommasone (FRA) (VT) - Rudi - hop on the landing
  • Gael da Silva (FRA) (VT) - Handspring double front, deep squat, both feet out in the red zone.
  • Pierre Yves Beny (FRA) (VT) - Sits down Handspring double front.
  • Epke Zonderland (NED) (PB) - Huge arch on handstand and a bit of hand adjustment, good landing double pike dismount.
  • CHEN Yibing (CHN) (SR) - Lovely routine! 
  • Kristian Thomas (GBR) (PH) - Very solid routine!
  • Jihoon Kim (KOR) (FX) - Sits down 2.5 to front full, triple twist - under rotated and steps forward.
  • Sergio Sasaki Junior (BRA) (VT) - Handspring double front - lovely
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (HB) - Full twisting double back, HUGE mistake and has to stop his routine to regain momentum, Double double layout dismount
  • Wai Hung Shek (HKG) (VT) - Sits down Handspring double front after opening early. Second vault - Tsuk triple - not bad, just a step back. And appeared a little deep in the landing.
  • Fabian Leimlehner (AUT) (VT) - Huge step back on Tsuk double full.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (HB) - Lovely Cassina, Yamawaki, Fall on Kolman OMG. Repeats the element and succeeds. Double double layout dismount.
  • John Orozco (USA) (PH) - Little bobble on the handstand before the dismount.
  • Jon Horton gives a coy wave to the camera.
  • Joshua Jefferis (AUS) (PB) - Gienger between the bars, Inside Diamandov, Swings through to Thibault, Step on double pike dismount.
  • Jorge Hugo Giraldo Lopez (COL) (SR) - Double double dismount. Solid routine!
  • Enrique Tomas Gonzalez Sepulveda (CHI) (VT) - Tsukahara Double Pike - Awesome; Roundoff 2.5 twist - Lovely!
  • Jacob Dalton (USA) (SR) - Looks a little tense. Awesome routine!
  • Jorge Hugo Giraldo Lopez (COL) (VT) - Tsuk Double Full - very tidy
  • Quazi Syque Caesar (BAN) (VT) - Bit low on the landing. 
  • Koji Yamamuro (JPN) (FX) - Arabian double pike, hop forward and oh so low, Crooked looking in Arabian double front
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (FX) - 3.5 twist to punch front half, 1.5 to Randi, 2.5 to Rudi, Triple full - lovely routine. 
  • Jonathan Horton (USA) (SR) - Solid until step on the double double dismount.
  • Ryohei Kato (JPN) (FX) - 3.5 twist, punch front half layout. Arabian double front in piked position, Triple twist to finish.
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (VT) - Smallest step back on Tsuk double
  • John Orozco (USA) (VT) - Handspring double layout double full - step forward.
  • Samuel Mikulak (USA) (VT) - Tsuk triple full - lovely just a small hop. Huge smile! Second vault - Handspring double front - Lovely
  • Koji Yamamuro (JPN) (PH) - Awesome routine!
  • Matteo Morandi (ITA) (SR) - Solid routine! Full twisting double layout dismount.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (PH) - Counts a fall! Missed element before dismount.
  • Ryohei Kato (JPN) (PH) - Awesome dismount, a couple of bobbles.
  • Lovely to see Geoff Corrigan give a high five handshake to the USA Guys. Corrigan is with Syque Caesar.
  • Shows Roman Kulesza's score.
  • Daniel Corral Barron (MEX) (PB) - Awesome and solid routine, just a step on double front dismount.
  • Alexander Shatilov (ISR) (FX) - Lovely double double, Full in tuck dismount. Lovely routine.
  • Vid Hidvegi (HUN) (PH) - Lovely Russians, and a super tidy routine
  • Samuel Mikulak (USA) (PB) - Lovely routine!
  • Jonathan Horton (USA) (PB) - Off on his second skill, Giant to double tuck, Diamadov, double pike dismount. Poor Jon.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (SR) - Solid routine, double double dismount, just a hop on the landing            
  • Koji Yamamuro (JPN) (SR) - Low piked Yamawaki, Great Inverted Crosses, solid routine with a double layout full out dismount.
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (PB) - Solid routine, with step back on double pike dismount.
  • Krisztian Berki (HUN) (PH) - Not his best routine, with some leg separation throughut.
  • Diego Hypolito (BRA) (FX) - Arabian double pike, nice. Oh dear massive fall on his 1.5 to Randi. Solid through remainder routine. Savouring the moment. 
  • Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN) (VT) - Stuck Tsuk Double full.
  • Ryohei Kato (JPN) (VT) - Tsuk 2.5 - step forward
  • Koji Yamamuro (JPN) (VT) - Tsuk Triple - multiple steps back and OOB. Handspring front tuck for the second vault as his hands slipped.
  • John Orozco (USA) (HB) - Liukin, Layout Tkatchev, Tkatchev to mixed grip, Yamawaki, Full twisting double layout. Very nice. 
  • Enrico Pozzo (ITA) (PB) - Bit short on handstand, double pike with hop forward.
  • Jonathan Horton (USA) (HB) - PHENOMENAL ROUTINE!
  • Danell Leyva (USA) (HB) - Just a hop on the dismount but simply AWESOME!
  • John Orozco (USA) (FX) - Arabian double pike to Sissone, Layout Thomas, 1.5 to front layout full. Lovely routine!
  • Koji Yamamuro (JPN) (PB) - Short on his handstands, solid routine.
  • Arthur Nabarrete Zanetti (BRA) (SR) - PHENOMENAL ROUTINE! Huge celebrations from Zanetti
  • Enrico Pozzo (ITA) (HB) - One arm giant, stoop half. Solid routine. 
  • The Koreans look bored in the audience.
  • Kohei Uchimura (JPN) (PB) - SUPERB ROUTINE! The Japanese team looks psyched for him.
  • Jacob Dalton (USA) (FX) - Arabian Double front layout - nice save from going out. Layout Thomas, 2.5 to front layout full stuck. Solid.
  • Jorge Hugo Giraldo Lopez (COL) (PH) - Bit of trouble throughout the routine where he loses his balance and comes off and trouble getting into handstands.

  • Vitalii Nakonechnyi (UKR) (PH) - Hit routine with a stuck landing
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (VT) - Kasamatsu 1.5 hands down and step back. Love his hair!
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (VT) - Yurchenko 2.5 step back
  • Philipp Boy (GER) (VT) - Dragalescu - limps away after landing short
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (PH) - Solid routine, just a pause on the final handstand before dismount
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) (HB) - Straight Tkatchev, stoop half out to Tkatchev mixed grip, Yamawaki, Endo full to reverse grip, Step double double layout dismount
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) (HB) - Tak full to Yamawaki, Stretched Tkatchev, Straddled Tkatchev, muscles up on Weiler kip, Full twisting double layout dismount
  • Pham Phuoc Hung (VIE) (PB) - Only shows his dismount
  • Cristian Ioan Bataga (ROU) (SR) - Double double to finish. Solid routine.
  • Vlad Bogdan Cotuna (ROU) (VT) - Kasamatsu Full. Bit of a bobble on the landing 
  • Cristian Ioan Bataga (ROU) (VT) - Nice vault, Tsuk 2.5
  • Javier Gomez Fuertes (ESP) (PH) - Legs dropping below the Pommel Horse, muscles into the dismount
  • Flavius Koczi (ROU) (VT) - Tsuk Triple Full - Awesome! Second Vault - Handspring Randi - deep squat and huge step to the side
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (PB) - Giant, Upper Arm to Double Back, Tippelt. Double Back dismount
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) (FX) - Whip to Thomas, Double double in stretched position OOB, So many tumbling passes. 2.5 front full to stag jump, triple twist to finish.
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (PB) - Giant to double tuck, Stutz to handstand, Full twisting double back dismount - AWESOME!
  • Igor Radivilov (UKR) (SR) - Solid routine!
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (VT) - Stuck DTY
  • Oleg Stepo (UKR) (VT) - Lovely Handspring double front
  • Sergio Munoz (ESP) (SR) - Issues on Inverted Cross, huge wobble, lovely dismount
  • Flavius Koczi (ROU) (PB) - Slight leg separation in some of his handstands, sits down his dismount
  • Philipp Boy (GER) (HB) - Fall on Yamawaki, feel for him, hands down on double double dismount. Hobbles off.
  • Igor Pakhomenko (RUS) (PB) - Solid routine
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (HB) - PHENOMENAL ROUTINE!
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (PH) - Solid, just some leg separation in a few skills
  • Emin Garibov (RUS) (SR) - Short on his strength positions, step on the dismount.
  • Fabian Gonzalez (ESP) (VT) - Yurchenko 2.5 - hop back
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (FX) - Thomas in stretched position, Long pause before full in back out. Slightly low on the landing.
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (PB) - Stalder full pirouette, lovely routine, step on the double front dismount.
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) (SR) - Azarian, double twisting double back dismount - lovely.
  • Thumbs up and a wink from Hambuechen
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (FX) - Double layout with double twist, Arabian 1 3/4. Full in double back dismount
  • Marius Daniel Berbecar (ROU) (HB) - Solid routine
  • Oleg Verniaiev (RUS) (PB) - Solid routine until he sits on the bar on the Tippelt and then jumps off. Step on the double pike dismount. Disappointing
  • Sergio Munoz (ESP) (VT) - Kasamatsu 1.5 - lovely!
  • Igor Pakhomenko (RUS) (VT) - Deep squat on Handspring front double full
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (VT) - Tsuk double pike - nice vault
  • Denis Ablyazin (RUS) (VT) - Step back on Tsuk double pike. Li Xiaopeng - Awesome!
  • Marcel Nguyen (GER) (PH) - Solid routine for him
  • Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) (HB) - Lovely  Rybalko, stoop half to Tkatchev, extra swing, full twisting double layout dismount
  • Cheeky smile from Marcel Nguyen
  • Iordan Iotchev (BUL) (SR) - Standing ovation before he starts. Phenomenal routine just a step to the side. Takes a moment to take it in. 
  • Sebastian Krimmer (GER) (PH) - Lovely routine. He's happy with it!
  • Andreas Toba (GER) (SR) - Solid routine. Double double tuck dismount
  • David Belyavskiy (RUS) (PB) - Lovely routine
  • Fabian Hambuechen (GER) (SR) - Double front half out dismount. Awesome routine!
  • Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) (FX) - Whip to Arabian 1 3/4. Step OOB, Triple twist to finish. 
  • Flavius Koczi (ROU) (PH) - Handstand and jumps off, gives up on it. Nice swing on the remainder of the routine

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