
Quick Hits - Women's Team Final

9:25 PM


From the Foxtel coverage, which has commentary by Liz Chetkovich and Mark Readings.


  • All you can hear is the chant "USA, USA, USA", And the screaming
  • There are a lot of determined looking faces as they are marching in, but nice to see some smiling faces
  • Love the US leotard. Such a sparkly leotard!
  • Vanessa Ferrari's like "oh that's me!" and I think it was YAO Jinnan who was a bit behind to salute with the team.
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (VT) - Amanar = Awesome!
  • Carlotta Ferlito (ITA) (FX) - Triple twist to stag jump, whip to 2.5 twist, double tuck, 2.5 turn with leg at vertical, double tuck to finish.
  • McKayla Maroney (USA) (VT) - STUCK AMANAR!
  • HE Kexin (CHN) (UB) - Stuck full in back out dismount. Solid routine! 
  • YAO Jinnan (CHN) (UB) - Lovely routine
  • Hannah Whelan (GBR) (BB) - Wobbly routine, Side aerial layout, Few steps back on the double pike dismount
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (VT) - Stuck DTY
  • Yuko Shintake (JPN) (BB) - Change leg leap to back tuck, Onodi to side aerial (sm. balance check), poorly performed change leg leap, front aerial flip layout, step back on double pike dismount
  • Maria Paseka (RUS) (VT) - OOB on the Amanar
  • Diana Chelaru (ROU) (UB) - An okay routine for her
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (UB) - Tkatchev, Jaeger, solid dismount
  • Victoria Moors (CAN) (FX) - Double double, lovely dance, 1.5 to triple twist, 2.5 twist with a small jump to the side
  • Dominique Pegg (CAN) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5 - clean
  • Anastasia Grishina (RUS) (UB) - Stoop half to piked Jaeger, Late pirouetter, Piked tkatchev, Full in back out dismount
  • Brittany Rogers (CAN) (VT) - Lovely DTY
  • Elsabeth Black (CAN) (VT) - Handspring layout 1.5 off - lovely!
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (UB) - A bit of a bobble on one of her handstands. Lovely routine. Solid double double dismount
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) (BB) - Double turn, Onodi to acro series, change leg leap to full twisting flip, double pike dismount
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (FX) - Handspring double twist forwards. Lovely routine.
  • Carlotta Ferlito (ITA) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5 - nice
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (UB) - Hesitation after Wieler Kips, Double layout full out. Looks a bit uncomfortable
  • Vanessa Ferrari (ITA) (VT) - DTY lands off to the side
  • Erika Fasana (ITA) (VT) - Yurchenko 1.5 lands off to the side.
  • SUI Lu (CHN) (BB) - Front half, change leg ring jump, double pike dismount. Lovely.
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (UB) - SOLID!
  • Elizabeth Tweddle (GBR) (FX) - OOB on front pass, just stays in on double arabian piked. Nice routine however!
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (BB) - A few bobbles throughout the routine. Round off double pike dismount.
  • Imogen Cairns (GBR) (VT) - Step back on the landing
  • Erika Fasana (ITA) (UB) - Jaeger, double layout dismount. A bit of bent arms through the routine
  • Jennifer Pinches (GBR) (VT) - DTY Hop to the side. Looks surprised at the score!
  • Rebecca Tunney (GBR) (VT) - Lovely!
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (BB) - Standing tuck full, Switch leg half to back tuck, change ring leap with small balance check, solid routine!
  • SUI Lu (CHN) (FX) - Whip to triple twist, triple turn, double pike dismount. Lovely routine
  • Kyla Ross (USA) (BB) - Solid routine! 
  • Koko Tsurumi (JPN) (VT) - Yurchenko Full - not that dynamic
  • Diana Laura Bulimar (ROU) (FX) - Double layout, 1.5 to double pike. Not my favorite music. Full in back out. Double tuck to finish. 
  • Asuka Teramoto (JPN) (VT) - DTY - Nice vault
  • Victoria Komova (RUS) (BB) - Sheep jump, standing Arabian, wobble after her leap, short on double arabian dismount, steps OOB. She's devastated.
  • Ksenia Afanasyeva (RUS) (BB) - Standing pike front, tour jete full, Onodi. Solid routine
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (ROU) (FX) - Full in back out, Lovely second pass. I am not a fan of this music unfortunately. Beautiful choreography however. 2.5 twist front punch full. 
  • Larisa Andreea Iordache (ROU) (VT) - Step forward on DTY.
  • Aliya Mustafina (RUS) (FX) - Double Arabian to Stag Jump, 2.5 front full, Lovely execution and dance, triple twist.
  • Catalina Ponor (ROU) (VT) - Nice DTY slight bent arms off the table
  • Dominique Pegg (CAN) (BB) - Shaky on a number of her skills. Solid effort on the dismount
  • Emotions running high in the Russian Camp. 
  • Ksenia Afanasyeva (RUS) (FX) - Double Layout, Whip whip combo to a triple twist, love this routine! Crashes on the final tumbling pass. 
  • Sandra Raluca Izbasa (VT) - Lovely DTY.
  • DENG Linlin (CHN) (VT) - Another Lovely Vault
  • Gabrielle Douglas (USA) (FX) - SOLID!!!!
  • HUANG Qiushuang (CHN) (VT) - Stuck!
  • Romanians look pensive.
  • Jordyn Wieber (USA) (FX) - AWESOME!!!!
  • YAO Jinnan (CHN) (VT) - Good vault for YAO!
  • Alexandra Raisman (USA) (FX) - Chooses not to put in double layout at end of first tumbling line! She's crying already.
  • There's tears everywhere!

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