
Results - 1st Swiss Cup Trainees

10:04 AM

The Switzerland contingent was triumph at the 1st Swiss Cup for Trainees, held in conjunction with the 2012 Swiss Cup. Switzerland were also 1-2 in the All Around, with Taha Serhani and Christian Baumann taking out the placings respectively. Belgium's Florian Landuyt was third. High scorers on each event were: Switzerland's Eddy Yusof on Floor Exercise, Vault, Parallel Bars and Horizontal Bar, with Baumann on the Pommel Horse and Still Rings. Well done to all competitors.

  1. Switzerland 330.700
  2. Belgium 296.750
  3. Netherlands 271.400
  1. Taha Serhani (SUI) (13.800, 12.750, 12.950, 15.300, 13.850, 13.800) 82.450
  2. Christian Baumann (SUI) (12.750, 13.700, 13.250, 14.800, 13.250, 13.650) 81.400
  3. Florian Landuyt (BEL) (12.600, 13.100, 12.450, 14.800, 11.950, 12.550) 77.450
  4. Eddy Yusof (SUI) (13.950, 13.650, 0.000, 15.550, 14.600, 14.000) 71.750
  5. Illiaz Pyncket (BEL) (12.550, 8.850, 12.000, 13.450, 12.250, 12.550) 71.650
  6. Jelle Van Leeuwen (NED) (12.200, 11.000, 11.800, 12.850, 12.650, 11.100) 71.600
  7. Alex Klinkenberg (NED) (12.050, 10.850, 11.500, 13.450, 11.350, 6.650) 65.850
  8. Bram Verhofstad (NED) (13.850, 11.500, 12.350, 14.300, 0.000, 11.850) 63.850
  9. Noah Kuavita (BEL) (12.050, 3.250, 10.800, 13.450, 12.050, 11.200) 62.800
  10. Aaron Blomme (BEL) (11.500, 11.000, 11.600, 13.500, 11.250, 0.000) 58.850
  11. Richie Wanner (SUI) (13.400, 0.000, 13.100, 15.400, 0.000, 13.650) 55.550
  12. Marco Walter (SUI) (13.500, 12.600, 0.000, 14.700, 12.750, 0.000) 53.550
  13. Guido Hendrikx (NED) (12.150, 0.000, 10.550, 13.400, 8.500, 8.700) 53.300
  14. Frank Rijken (NED) (13.200, 12.900, 12.750, 13.400, 0.000, 0.000) 52.250
  15. Nicola Graber (SUI) (0.000, 13.150, 12.900, 0.000, 12.750, 13.000) 51.800
  16. Jonathan Vrolix (BEL) (13.550, 11.100, 0.000, 13.700, 0.000, 10.150) 48.500
  17. Luka Van den Keybus (BEL) (0.000, 0.000, 12.150, 0.000, 12.950, 12.800) 37.900
  18. Nico Van den Boogard (NED) (0.000, 9.550, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) 9.550

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