Pan Am Games RG Individual AA and Quals
8:11 AM
The Rhythmic Gymnastics competition at the 2015 Pan American Games is underway at the Toronto Coliseum beginning with the first of two days of competition to determine the Individual All Around Champion and the qualifiers to the Event Finals which will take place over the 19th and 20th of July. Jasmine Kerber of the U.S. was the top scorer with the Hoop and was the second top scorer with the Ball to take the lead in the All Around at the the halfway mark. Kerber's compatriot Laura Zeng sits second in the All Around after top scoring with the Ball. Brazil's Angelica Kvieczynski currently sits in third place.
Laura Zeng has top scored with the Clubs to take first place headed into the final rotation. Jasmine Kerber sits in second place with Canadian Patricia Bezzoubenko moving into third in the All Around. Bezzoubenko was the second highest scorer with the Clubs. And that's how they finish off... Laura Zeng takes the All Around title over Kerber and Bezzoubenko!! Zeng was the top scorer with the Ribbon over Brazil's Angelica Kvieczynski with Mexico's Karla Diaz Arnal qualifying third to the apparatus final.
Laura Zeng has top scored with the Clubs to take first place headed into the final rotation. Jasmine Kerber sits in second place with Canadian Patricia Bezzoubenko moving into third in the All Around. Bezzoubenko was the second highest scorer with the Clubs. And that's how they finish off... Laura Zeng takes the All Around title over Kerber and Bezzoubenko!! Zeng was the top scorer with the Ribbon over Brazil's Angelica Kvieczynski with Mexico's Karla Diaz Arnal qualifying third to the apparatus final.
- Laura Zeng (USA) (15.183, 16.292, 16.433, 16.667) 64.575
- Jasmine Kerber (USA) (16.517, 16.233, 14.933, 14.517) 62.200
- Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) (13.450, 15.933, 16.083, 14.933) 60.399
- Angelica Cristina Kvieczynski (BRA) (15.100, 15.500, 14.200, 15.375) 60.175
- Karla Diaz Arnal (MEX) (14.934, 15.142, 14.817, 15.033) 59.926
- Carmen Whelan (CAN) (14.958, 14.650, 14.700, 14.483) 58.791
- Rut Castillo Galindo (MEX) (14.717, 14.133, 13.958, 14.450) 57.258
- Natalia Azevedo Gaudio (BRA) (15.300, 12.900, 13.733, 13.983) 55.916
- Michelle Sanchez Salazar (VEN) (14.450, 13.567, 13.283, 13.617) 54.917
- Brenda Levya Mejias (CUB) (12.742, 13.000, 12.492, 12.533) 50.767
- Grisbel Lopez Ortega (VEN) (10.383, 12.375, 12.242, 12.667) 47.667
- Lina Marcela Dussan Orozco (COL) (12.250, 10.867, 12.333, 11.892) 47.342
- Geraldine Melissa Perez Quito (ECU) (11.858, 11.075, 12.250, 10.775) 45.958
- Valeska Gonzalez (CHI) (11.192, 11.317, 9.925, 11.417) 43.851
- Karen Pereira de la Rosa (ARG) (11.758, 10.242, 11.167, 9.633) 42.800
- Micaela Herbon (ARG) (11.550, 10.392, 9.167, 9.125) 40.234
- Jasmine Kerber (USA) 16.517
- Natalia Azevedo Gaudio (BRA) 15.300
- Laura Zeng (USA) 15.183
- Angelica Cristina Kvieczynski (BRA) 15.100
- Carmen Whelan (CAN) 14.958
- Karla Diaz Arnal (MEX) 14.934
- Rut Castillo Galindo (MEX) 14.717
- Michelle Sanchez Salazar (VEN) 14.450
- Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) 13.450 RESERVE ONE
- Brenda Levya Mejias (CUB) 12.742 RESERVE TWO
- Lina Marcela Dussan Orozco (COL) 12.250
- Geraldine Melissa Perez Quito (ECU) 11.858
- Karen Pereira de la Rosa (ARG) 11.758
- Micaela Herbon (ARG) 11.550
- Valeska Gonzalez (CHI) 11.192
- Grisbel Lopez Ortega (VEN) 10.383
- Laura Zeng (USA) 16.292
- Jasmine Kerber (USA) 16.233
- Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) 15.933
- Angelica Cristina Kvieczynski (BRA) 15.500
- Karla Diaz Arnal (MEX) 15.142
- Carmen Whelan (CAN) 14.650
- Rut Castillo Galindo (MEX) 14.133
- Michelle Sanchez Salazar (VEN) 13.567
- Brenda Levya Mejias (CUB) 13.000 RESERVE ONE
- Natalia Azevedo Gaudio (BRA) 12.900 RESERVE TWO
- Grisbel Lopez Ortega (VEN) 12.375
- Valeska Gonzalez (CHI) 11.317
- Geraldine Melissa Perez Quito (ECU) 11.075
- Lina Marcela Dussan Orozco (COL) 10.867
- Micaela Herbon (ARG) 10.392
- Karen Pereira de la Rosa (ARG) 10.242
- Laura Zeng (USA) 16.433
- Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) 16.083
- Jasmine Kerber (USA) 14.933
- Karla Diaz Arnal (MEX) 14.817
- Carmen Whelan (CAN) 14.700
- Angelica Cristina Kvieczynski (BRA) 14.200
- Rut Castillo Galindo (MEX) 13.958
- Natalia Azevedo Gaudio (BRA) 13.733
- Michelle Sanchez Salazar (VEN) 13.283 RESERVE ONE
- Brenda Levya Mejias (CUB) 12.492 RESERVE TWO
- Lina Marcela Dussan Orozco (COL) 12.333
- Geraldine Melissa Perez Quito (ECU) 12.250
- Grisbel Lopez Ortega (VEN) 12.242
- Karen Pereira de la Rosa (ARG) 11.167
- Valeska Gonzalez (CHI) 9.925
- Micaela Herbon (ARG) 9.167
- Laura Zeng (USA) 16.667
- Angelica Cristina Kvieczynski (BRA) 15.375
- Karla Diaz Arnal (MEX) 15.033
- Patricia Bezzoubenko (CAN) 14.933
- Jasmine Kerber (USA) 14.517
- Carmen Whelan (CAN) 14.483
- Rut Castillo Galindo (MEX) 14.450
- Natalia Azevedo Gaudio (BRA) 13.983
- Michelle Sanchez Salazar (VEN) 13.617 RESERVE ONE
- Grisbel Lopez Ortega (VEN) 12.667 RESERVE TWO
- Brenda Levya Mejias (CUB) 12.533
- Lina Marcela Dussan Orozco (COL) 11.892
- Valeska Gonzalez (CHI) 11.417
- Geraldine Melissa Perez Quito (ECU) 10.775
- Karen Pereira de la Rosa (ARG) 9.633
- Micaela Herbon (ARG) 9.125